modifications i'd make now that this was round #2 of #hotpot - 1.return to #uwajimaya for the thinly sliced lean meats (low $, high reward), 2) only use 1 pack of #meatballs (prefer chicken shroom), 3) def prefer #enoki to the shrooms tonight 4) definitely angel hair #shiritaki rather than hand pulled noods, 5) go with the szechuan base we got from #fubon, 6) the spouse prefers the choi tonight rather than the other night (they're larger), and 7) add tofu.
next batch will be a #tomyum #hotpot
#hotpot #uwajimaya #meatballs #enoki #shiritaki #fubon #tomyum
» 富邦金控舉辦111年第三季法說會 (中文線上)