Like thieves in the night, not all the bees are using the front door of this fuchsia to collect nectar. #bees #bumblebees #honeybees #fuchsia #nature #insects
#insects #nature #fuchsia #honeybees #bumblebees #bees
#GWB - Smart Home: Google rollt Fuchsia 12 für Smart Displays aus – bringt Verbesserungen für Nutzer und Entwickler - #smarthome #fuchsia #nesthub #Google
#gwb #smarthome #fuchsia #nesthub #google
Beautiful black #honeybee foraging on the lime leaved #fuchsia don’t often think of them as being good for #pollinators but the single flower shrub varieties are loved by all sorts of #insects #GardenersWorld #gardening @bumblebeetrus #gardens
#gardens #gardening #gardenersworld #insects #pollinators #fuchsia #honeybee
Deze #augustusbloeier staat al vanaf eind mei, begin juni in bloei en bloeit tot eind november, begin december bij zacht weer. In het voorjaar licht snoeien en dan begint ze weer opnieuw te groeien en te bloeien. De struiken kunnen wel anderhalve meter hoog worden. #fuchsia #Fuchsia_magellanica #winterhard #tuin #bloem #flower #flowerphotography #garden #gardening
#gardening #garden #flowerphotography #flower #bloem #tuin #winterhard #fuchsia_magellanica #fuchsia #augustusbloeier
#GWB - Fuchsia: Googles neues Betriebssystem wird einfach nicht benötigt – verliert schon wieder alle Geräteklassen - #fuchsia #Google
@jonn_blanchard Everything about the #Psion 5 is incredibly advanced for its time. The OS was developed from scratch, written entirely in C++, in 1996! There has only been 2 other commercial C++ OSes, ever -- #BeOS and Google's #Fuchsia
#GWB - Fuchsia: Google stoppt die Entwicklung des neuen Betriebssystems für Smart Speaker – doch kein Update - #smartspeaker #smarthome #fuchsia #Google
#gwb #smartspeaker #smarthome #fuchsia #google
Google abandons work to move Assistant smart speakers to Fuchsia
9to5Google reports:
Last year, we reported that Google’s Fuchsia team had renewed its efforts to support smart speakers. Long story short, the team had experimented with a single speaker, ditched that effort, then “restored” it later on. More importantly, the Fuchsia team was found to be working on multip
#Garten #gardening #Balkonpflanzen #Fuchsia
Meine neueste Erwerbung - ein Freund aus dem Exotenforum hat sie mir geschenkt - macht sich gut:
#fuchsia #balkonpflanzen #gardening #garten
#Fuchsia - Botanic Garden #Wellington #NewZealand #Photography #Flowers #FloralPhotography
#fuchsia #wellington #newzealand #photography #flowers #floralphotography
Da hat sich ein neues Betriebssystem in mein Netzwerk eingeschlichen 🤔
Frage mich ja ernsthaft was die damit in Zukunft so vor haben.
Könnte mir einen Einsatz auf den Chromebooks vorstellen.
Hallo new arrivals, let me show you your new home. 😀
*runs off halfway through the potting process to buy new soil*
#gardening #plants #photography #fuchsia #tomatoes #cosmea #JoyfulJune #planting #flowers #florespondence
#gardening #plants #photography #fuchsia #tomatoes #Cosmea #joyfuljune #planting #flowers #florespondence
#GWB - Fuchsia: Google bringt das neue Betriebssystem jetzt auf die Nest Hub Smart Displays der zweiten Generation - #smarthome #fuchsia #nesthub #Google #Nest
#gwb #smarthome #fuchsia #nesthub #google #nest
Google updates Nest Hub 2nd Gen to use Fuchsia OS #google #fuchsia #iot #news #tech #technology
#google #fuchsia #iot #News #tech #Technology
Any word on that whole Fuchsia operating system out of Google? I know they put it in Home hubs but is it wowing any academics with its kernel or inspiring CS research or otherwise not being just a blip?
#Google #Fuchsia #OS #CS