twój pradziadek zabrał mojemu pradziadkowi cukierka i dlatego cię nie lubię.

tak wygląda skrajnie prawicowa narracja wypominająca jakieś incydenty które się zdarzyły bardzo dawno w historii :)

#fcknzs #fuckfascism #fuckborders #lewica

Last updated 1 year ago

🐁 · @szczur
154 followers · 3107 posts · Server

Panie i Panowie, osoby niebinarne i inne. Mam nadzieję, że czujecie się bezpiecznie - ja tak, cieszę się że za pieniądze podatników wzniesiono ten drobny mur, który chroni nas przed głodnym chłopcem, przerażoną kobietą i zziębniętym mężczyzną z bliskiego wschodu, którzy są przecież elementem wojny hybrydowej z Putinem.

Czujecie się bezpiecznie? To dla waszego dobra. Trust me on this.

Rząd przecież zawsze ma dobro obywateli w interesie.

#fuckborders #noborders #nooneisillegal #refugeeswelcome

Last updated 1 year ago

Jay Bee · @jaybeez
19 followers · 27 posts · Server
szczur.jpg · @gregor_samsa
121 followers · 1047 posts · Server

I would like to share with you, that there is no such thing as category of climate refugee in international law, so they are not protected under the provisions of the 1951 Refugee Protection Convention. It also means, however, that the already existing topic of climate migration will become more acute as the effects of change worsen - and those fleeing from now-and-then uninhabitable places will be subjected to the same treatment and discrimination as non-war refugees. So, I want to ask you, friends, to stand in solidarity with those in need - who are being neglected the global elites responsible for ruining their stability, homes and living situations. Please educate yourself and others. What we need today is radicalization and agitation in terms of tolerance for immigrants and social awareness.

We have no one else but each other, for the elites don't care.

#abetterworldispossible #anarchy #anarchism #solidarity #noborders #fuckborders #leftist #antiborder #NationalismKills

Last updated 2 years ago

JDS · @jds
543 followers · 902 posts · Server

I went alone with a backpack, made friends, gave guys money for horses, went up the mountains, enjoyed the total eclipse, 2008. No cell phone. It’s that easy.

#altay #mountains #siberia #russia #southeasternsiberia #horses #horseriding #hardtravel #goanywhere #fuckborders

Last updated 2 years ago

Raton Baveur · @ratonbaveur
33 followers · 187 posts · Server

"Let us recall that detention is an inherent part of the repressive matrix of the Canadian immigration system. It’s a tool of the Canadian imperialist state that ignores any responsibility towards the people who are migrating for a better life, seeking to leave situations of poverty, exploitation and violence, where the Canadian state and companies are often complicit in creating these very conditions.

The aim of the detention apparatus of the State is to deter people from entering fortress Canada. This oppresses migrants and forces them to live in the margins, isolated and underground, constantly fearing arrest and imprisonment. The practice of putting migrants in prison promotes exploitation where the vulnerable people resort to working and living in abusive and unsafe conditions without recourse or protection."

From :

#fuckborders #cbsakills #nooneisillegal

Last updated 2 years ago

Ranylt · @ranylt
148 followers · 443 posts · Server

@jonathan @mejs This Canadian honestly just wants freedom of movement to the EU. I hate that I'm stuck here (I've lived in 2 EU countries, so I know how hard the immigration process is--and how tenuous).


Last updated 2 years ago

🖖Ludovico🖕 · @Ludovico
10 followers · 204 posts · Server

looking at another world, apparently. even though it's just across a river at Calais, Maine, and the people over there are doing the same shit as over here.


Last updated 2 years ago

Jordi · @JordiVallcarca
699 followers · 24764 posts · Server