I hope everyone is enjoying showing their love for #PublicTransit this month! As we get closer to the date, I'm getting more excited about the event I'll be co-hosting for Transit Month: Transit Happy Hour!
We'll be discussing how transit reduces drunk driving. Voice for Public Transit just published a blog post about exactly what we'll be discussing. Did you know that traveling by public transportation is *10 times safer* per mile than traveling by automobile?
#FuckCars #SanJose #SJTransitHappyHour #publictransportation
#publictransit #fuckcars #sanjose #sjtransithappyhour #publictransportation
“A West Vancouver man who struck and killed a woman as she was crossing an Ambleside street in a marked crosswalk will pay a $500 fine but face no driving ban”
Infrastructure is a joke, justice for road victims is a joke. Makes me furious.
#WestVancouver #VisionZero #TrafficFatality #PedestrianSafety #FuckCars #BanCars
#bancars #fuckcars #pedestriansafety #trafficfatality #visionzero #WestVancouver
I made this...
#fuckCars #lowTrafficNeighbourhood #LTN #BINGO
#fuckcars #lowtrafficneighbourhood #LTN #bingo
this morning I went for a quick run and down the block a woman was crossing a stroad at a huge marked crosswalk. drivers in three out of the four lanes are stopped, driver in fourth lane doesn't stop until he's in the xwalk and HONKS AT HER!!??
anyways she proudly marched on and gave him the finger and I have concluded we should probably be friends đź’ś
If the EU would act to properly #fuckcars and car culture then a special parking permit would not be needed by those who may have a true need for private transport, because there would ALWAYS be ample space. Not that this should ever take precedence over accessible public transport.
If You’ve Got a New Car, It’s a Data Privacy Nightmare https://gizmodo.com/mozilla-new-cars-data-privacy-report-1850805416
Bad news: your car is a spy. Every major car brand's new internet-connected models flunked privacy and security tests conducted by Mozilla.
Just another good reason not to have a car
Let’s bring back this attitude towards cars in our cities:
“The car’s arrival in cities across America was hotly contested, and with good reason: it turned public streets into killing fields. In one year alone, 1925, seven thousand children were killed by cars and trucks. Reckless drivers were attacked by mobs in Philadelphia and “death drivers” were denounced in major city newspapers. In a Milwaukee parade, a streetcar pulled a flatbed trailer displaying a wrecked car driven by a likeness of Satan; in St. Louis, flowers were scattered from an airship over a monument that bore the names of 32 child victims of automobiles…”
#FuckCars #PublicTransit #climatechange https://straphanger.substack.com/p/the-roger-rabbit-theory
#fuckcars #publictransit #climatechange
Ein doitschland werden immer mehr D-Tickets gefaelscht sagen die EVUs... Logische Konsequenz, das D-Ticket ist so teuer dass sich faelschen lohnt? Weit gefehlt! In Kackeland wird einfach investiert um mehr zu kontrollieren, denn hier gilt Bestraffung als Kulturgut und wenn wir unserem Kink hier nicht nachkommen droht der identitaetsverlust.. Loesung waere natuerlich auch Elektroauto mit eigener Solarzelle zu betreiben, da schiebt der Volker auc noch mal n paar Millarden rein.. #fuckcars ..
I'm interested in the levels of car ownership in the urbanist circles around here
How many cars does your household own?
Household here defined as the people you live with or in close proximity to that you'd be willing to share a car with.
If you're car free I'd love to hear about what makes it work for you!
#carfree #biketooter #cars #transit #bikes #fuckcars #bancars #urbanism
#carfree #biketooter #cars #transit #bikes #fuckcars #bancars #urbanism
This article really captures my experience traveling without a car in my city. We're not car free, but we have gone down to one car and I usually try to avoid using it when making trips by myself like commuting or meeting friends/coworkers somewhere.
This is part two of a 3 part series on a family going car free and their experience (good and bad)
#carfree #transit #strongtowns #bancars #fuckcars
Dat afsluiten van de Kinkerstraat voor doorgaand verkeer is helemaal niet zo'n slecht idee.
Met een beetje amateurmeten is de afstand van de oversteekplaats tot waar de automobilist stil staat zo'n 25 meter en dat duid op een snelheid van ~50 per uur en dat is 66% boven de maximale snelheid!
Two-thirds of car journeys in Australian cities are short, and could be done by bike in 15 minutes or less. Why aren't more people cycling?
#EnvironmentCrisis #climatecrisis #Australia #cycling #commuting #FuckCars
#EnvironmentCrisis #climatecrisis #australia #cycling #commuting #fuckcars
I keep watching these videos and keep wondering how easily we grant people a license to operate multi-ton killer machines without supervision.
The ideal street is no cars whatsoever except for maybe mobility aid cars and emergency access and there's maybe a trolley or electric bus line, but the spectrum between that and where we are now has a lot of stops to improvement and this is one.
#fuckcars #traffic #ClimateCrisis
The work Indianapolis has done on 22nd street near downtown should also be done to 16th street (and every > 2 lane street in the city). Lane diet, less on-street parking with clear markings, dedicated bike lanes. It would make it quieter, safer, and probably improve traffic output in terms of total people able to move through (because bicycles are small and go fast). Also it reduces long-term costs for maintenance of streets.
#fuckcars #traffic #ClimateCrisis
đź’¨ When you sell a car (even for an EV), your gas car gets re-sold and keeps on polluting and emitting.
🛞 Tires are the worst form of car pollution. They shed microplastics and toxins every day — which kill everything.
The only way to end the problems of cars, is to end cars.
Boost on Twitter too, so people know:
#Depave #WarOnCars #CarFree #TacticalUrbanism #Urbanism #Bikes #Transit #Housing #Plastic #Microplastics #Pollution #FuckCars #StrongTowns #Planning #UrbanDesign #Policy #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #Climate
#depave #waroncars #carfree #tacticalurbanism #urbanism #bikes #transit #housing #plastic #microplastics #pollution #fuckcars #strongtowns #planning #urbandesign #policy #ClimateCrisis #climateemergency #climate
Tourist guides: lovely city center
Translation: car-free walkable city center
Every time.
This whole nonsense about whether bikes vs cars break more traffic laws is a stupid premise for a debate. The laws are written for cars. The infrastructure is built for cars. Of course bikes break those laws.
#fuckcars #bike #buildbikelanes
#fuckcars #bike #buildbikelanes