@fuck_cars_bot in addition to this obvious insanity to sit in an idling car instead of sitting down in a real cafe and experience having coffee, drive-ins are polluting our planet with single-use plastic and other trash - to hell with future generations!
Where are the religilous zealots that otherwise don't miss a chance to protest for the rights of the yet to be born? #TrashNation #Carmagedon #banplastic #StopDriveThrus #fuckcarsgobike
#trashnation #carmagedon #banplastic #stopdrivethrus #fuckcarsgobike
@GetsGreased @JesseStone come on. Join our cause. #fuckcars #fuckcarsgobike #urbandesign
#fuckcars #fuckcarsgobike #urbandesign
I'm not one who likes to get political or anything like that, but if your hood is higher than a full grown adult is tall, let alone a child, your car's too damn big.
If you can't see me over the hood, you sure as hell can't see a child or a disabled person in a chair/walker or an animal over it.
#bus #bancars #fuckcarsgobike #fuckcars