I love getting 6 minutes of cardio just prepping my meals for the day.
I guess I’m a dick, because I put the kaibosh on going out to a cook-it-yourself korean barbeque for my daughter’s birthday (her birthday was last week).
I just don’t think I want to be inside, eating with strangers. Especially if I have to cook first.
Just seems like a real bad idea.
I’m now into my 3rd week of giving up #cannabis for my #LongCovid symptoms on the very likely chance that I’ll be drug tested by a future employer (I’m in an electrical apprenticeship program).
The absolute MISERY I am experiencing is making me question my decision to change careers. The daily headaches, nausea, vertigo, and fatigue are OVERWHELMING. Any time it’s overcast or raining, my brain becomes molasses, and y’all know we’ve had a VERY wet winter & spring here in NC. #FuckCovid
#fuckcovid #LongCovid #cannabis
I’m now into my 3rd week of giving up #cannabis for my #LongCovid symptoms on the very likely chance that I’ll be drug tested by a future employer (I’m in an electrical apprenticeship program).
The absolute MISERY I am experiencing is making me question my decision to change careers. The daily headaches, nausea, vertigo, and fatigue are OVERWHELMING. Any time it’s overcast or raining, my brain becomes molasses, and we’ve had a VERY wet winter & spring here in North Carolina. #fuckCovid #weed
#cannabis #longcovid #fuckcovid #weed
It's time for the worst game in the world: is this because I had covid of because I'm getting old?
Previously, we had a persistent cough that started over a week after getting over covid. I basically have (temporary?) asthma due to covid.
In this installment, we have small, annoying muscle twitches. Anyone who had covid experienced this? It's mostly above my eyes, but I had my one in my shoulder this morning.
Oh, and #FuckCovid.
By the way, I do prefer buying at Vintage House in Soho rather than, say, #Whisky Exchange near Charing Cross Station, which is great for whisky porn, especially Japanese bottles north of £3000, but not so good on the basics under £150. I still mourn the loss of Royal Mile Whiskies in Bloomsbury. #FuckCOVID 🥃
@Coachmark I had the burning from “the inside out” feeling, but it was actually along the sides of my head, over my ears. Felt like I had jumped into a freshly chlorinated pool and the chlorine shot up my nose.
#FuckCovid sending you good thoughts for recovery. It takes a while sometimes. Took me several months and it still feels like it’s there some days.
Post Covid face flushness. Is anyone else experiencing this or have you experienced this?
Every day my cheeks and or ears get flush and red. Tonight my fucking face feels like it's burning from the inside out. I want to go stick my head in a snowbank. But we have no snow.
What the Fuck is wrong with me?
Oh, thank fuck! Both our lateral flow tests came up negative. I still feel like a wrung out dishcloth, but I can go and buy a bottle of milk from the corner shop with no guilt.
How lousy am I feeling? Making instant ramen needs more spoons than I have available.
COVID again 😖
massive love to the kind, patient, generous audience for tonight's storytelling event which has been cancelled.
& thank you Rachel Rose Reid who is stepping in to cover my storytelling sessions at JW3 tomorrow...
Meanwhile I am watching baby goat videos. Smiling for the camera but I am pretty much gutted. #FuckCovid
#fuckcovid #StorytellersLife #ProfessionalStoryteller #freelancelife
Got the call tonight that my 85 y/o Dad has the covid. :( He’s fully Vaxxed, has been careful, and is a tough old bird so hopefully he will kick its ass.
Prayers/good thoughts/curses against covid all accepted.
@Callalily First, good for you for knowing where you're comfortable, and sticking with it.
Second, I've started realizing that I'm staying in too much. So "N-95 and rock out" ... well, maybe not rock out. But I'm wearing a good mask and going out to do the things I want to do.
Tough if it's a dinner thing of course :)
This fucking headache. Seriously. This FUCKING HEADACHE. #CovidIsNotOver #fuckcovid