#Coreboot has been sort of an amazing transformation of my #Lenovo #X220 So many talk about the getting rid of spyware and such from #Intel, bit the real benefit is that I can now install RAM and a new wireless card. Not to mention, the boot time is like 15-20 seconds....
#hacktheplanet #fuckdrm #fuckintel #freeasinfreedom #intel #x220 #lenovo #coreboot
hay cosas que no puedo hacer, y sé que profesionalmente pueden limitarme pero no me pienso postrar ante esas prácticas contra las que me he enfrentado tantos años: no usaré drm.
#fuckdrm #editarenlibertad #softwarelibre #copyfight
#fuckdrm #editarenlibertad #softwarelibre #copyfight
RT @RWSstudios@twitter.com
We don't believe in "solutions" that punish legit consumers and make it harder for gamers who are short on money to play our games.
This is why all #POSTAL games are distributed without DRM.
In short... #FuckDRM
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/RWSstudios/status/1602308595848253441
@waglo Ah sapristi, c'est le genre de truc qu'il est important de comprendre... pour pouvoir l'expiquer au bon peuple... expliquer au beau-frère pourquoi son voisin ne peut plus réparer lui-même son tracteur et pourquoi son ipad craqué est foutu (dont la réparation est techniquement réalisable mais légalement hors de prix à cause du monopole d'Apple) #righttorepair #fuckdrm à point nommé -> https://mamot.fr/@pluralistic/104326651459213266
#fuckdrm #digitalrestrictionsmanagement #fightdrm #tron #tronevolution #securrom #games #videogames
The Curse of Outdated #DRM Claims Another Victim, 'Tron: Evolution' - VICE
#games #videogames #drm #fuckdrm #digitalrestrictionsmanagement #fightdrm #tron #tronevolution #securrom
#MDGA Make Doom Great Again! So #Bethesda is showing how #untrustworthy they are releasing #Doom #DoomII and #Doom3 but with crappy slowed down audio no mod support and a fun feature where you have to log in and phone home to Bethesda just to play a 20+ year old single player game. This is not acceptable #DRM should not be tolerated on classic games. Doom on my #Rockbox nodded Sansa clip zip plays better than the new release of Doom. #FuckDRM #Gaming #RetroGaming
#mdga #bethesda #untrustworthy #doom #doomii #doom3 #drm #rockbox #fuckdrm #gaming #retrogaming
#fuckDRM #fuckGoogle, fight for #rightorepair "(...) do we want to live in a world where the users of technology are in control of their devices? Or do we want to live in a world where the owners of technology use it as yet another means of control over those without the resources, the knowledge, or the privilege to fight back?
Are we building technology for a world of masters, or a world of slaves?"
-Nolan Lawson
#rightorepair #fuckgoogle #fuckdrm
Seriously though, #FuckDRM. I downloaded several shows and movies to my BBPriv through Netflix, only to find that once they could GeoIP me again (connecting to hotel Wifi), some videos got marked as unavailable! The video I stored locally was no longer available for playback. Fuck that noise! Fortunately it's easy to work around, and I know Netflix isn't the bad guy there, but for fucks sake! It's either available offline or it isn't, pick one!
Since my Kindle is bugging out again, I figured I'd read #ChameleonMoon on my Laptop.
Except ... I forgot that I BOUGHT the ebook from amazon and never cracked it, so haha, jokes on me!