After a significant amount of time spent in the mud, crawling for a fascistic dictator, it seems that Sweden has finally convinced Erdogan, who has now promised to proceed with the ratification of Sweden’s NATO application.
Russia’s brutal imperialist aggression against Ukraine was the perfect excuse for Swedish war hawks to quickly push through a NATO application, without any real “democratic” deliberation, after a long tradition of at least ostensibly being neutral.
This application process sent Sweden and it’s two latest governments - first the neoliberal centrist government led by the social democrats, and then the right wing conservative one led by the conservative Moderate party and supported by the fascist Sweden Democrats – jumping through hoops to satisfy dictatorial regimes such as Erdogan’s Turkey and Orban’s Hungary.
This meant undermining fundamental freedoms at home by servicing Turkish requests to persecute for instance Kurdish opposition in exile or Kurdish solidarity movements, as well as abandoning any notion of solidarity with the forces (YPG, YPG and others) that defeated the Islamic state on the ground, as well as staying completely silent regarding Turkish regime atrocities committed both today and historically, and regarding the suppression of dissidents, journalist and opposition politicians within the borders of Turkey itself.
It is especially laughable that Sweden and Turkey now make a special commitment to “fight terrorism”, when Turkey has actively supported and cooperated with groups associated with the Islamic state in it’s local war mongering. This commitment should in fact be read as a pretext for increased authoritarian measures against any dissidents to the powers that be, and is no different from pretexts historically provided by the US or Russia. Terror is just whoever is against the dictator or the empire. These are Sweden’s new allies. And so internationally, Sweden has now formally become the lap dog of US-led NATO imperialism.
The only thing that has really differentiated the various Swedish governments of the last few decades is how fast they dismantle the remnants of the welfare state through neoliberal austerity while lowering taxes on capital and for high income earners. Sweden has become a country with one of the world’s greatest wealth inequalities, surpassing both the US and Russia and boasting more billionaires per capita than most other countries. Regions are now struggling to pay for teachers, doctors and basic social infrastructure in a highly privatized and profitable market where the word from the politicians is that there is no money to spend on anything.
It is then ironic that in the light of this, money will now be poured into the military to satisfy NATO’s requirements. Even more ironic is the fact that Sweden’s territorial defense might become weaker, not stronger, as a result of this, as NATO is first and foremost a war alliance used to secure strategic regions and resources through “special operations”, and that is how Sweden’s increased military resources will be used around the world. This shows that the process wasn’t really about making Sweden safer, but about profiteering off of conflicts, joining the biggest bully on the bock, and militarizing society in general.
Not that borders or nations should be defended of course. These abominations should be resisted and undermined at every corner, as they are means to limit human freedom and well being for the benefit of states and capital. The fight against these root causes, as well as against racism, imperialism and the patriarchy, will continue no matter who Sweden decides to ally with. As will the internationalist solidarity with freedom movements in Rojava and across the world. No borders, no nations, no empires, no capitalist wars. Solidarity with freedom fighters across the globe. Fuck Erdogan, Fuck NATO. Fuck Sweden.
#FuckNATO #FuckErdogan #Sweden #NATO #YPG #YPJ #PKK #NoBorders #NoNations
#FuckNATO #fuckerdogan #sweden #nato #ypg #ypj #pkk #noborders #nonations
After a significant amount of time spent in the mud, crawling for a fascistic dictator, it seems that Sweden has finally convinced Erdogan, who has now promised to proceed with the ratification of Sweden’s NATO application.
Russia’s brutal imperialist aggression against Ukraine was the perfect excuse for Swedish war hawks to quickly push through a NATO application, without any real “democratic” deliberation, after a long tradition of at least ostensibly being neutral.
This application process sent Sweden and it’s two latest governments - first the neoliberal centrist government led by the social democrats, and then the right wing conservative one led by the conservative Moderate party and supported by the fascist Sweden Democrats – jumping through hoops to satisfy dictatorial regimes such as Erdogan’s Turkey and Orban’s Hungary.
This meant undermining fundamental freedoms at home by servicing Turkish requests to persecute for instance Kurdish opposition in exile or Kurdish solidarity movements, as well as abandoning any notion of solidarity with the forces (YPG, YPG and others) that defeated the Islamic state on the ground, as well as staying completely silent regarding Turkish regime atrocities committed both today and historically, and regarding the suppression of dissidents, journalist and opposition politicians within the borders of Turkey itself.
It is especially laughable that Sweden and Turkey now make a special commitment to “fight terrorism”, when Turkey has actively supported and cooperated with groups associated with the Islamic state in it’s local war mongering. This commitment should in fact be read as a pretext for increased authoritarian measures against any dissidents to the powers that be, and is no different from pretexts historically provided by the US or Russia. Terror is just whoever is against the dictator or the empire. These are Sweden’s new allies. And so internationally, Sweden has now formally become the lap dog of US-led NATO imperialism.
One of the few things that has really differentiated the various Swedish governments of the last few decades is how fast they dismantle the remnants of the welfare state through neoliberal austerity while lowering taxes on capital and for high income earners. Sweden has become a country with one of the world’s greatest wealth inequalities, surpassing both the US and Russia and boasting more billionaires per capita than most other countries. Regions are now struggling to pay for teachers, doctors and basic social infrastructure in a highly privatized and highly profitable market where the word from the politicians is that there is no money to spend on anything.
It is then ironic that in the light of this, money will now be poured into the military to satisfy NATO’s requirements. Even more ironic is the fact that Sweden’s territorial defense might become weaker, not stronger, as a result of this, as NATO is first and foremost a war alliance used to secure strategic regions and resources through “special operations”, and that is how Sweden’s increased military resources will be used around the world. This shows that the process wasn’t really about making Sweden safer, but about profiteering off of conflicts, joining the biggest bully on the bock, and militarizing society in general.
Not that borders or nations should be defended of course. These abominations should be resisted and undermined at every corner, as they are means to limit human freedom and well being for the benefit of states and capital. The fight against these root causes, as well as against racism, imperialism and the patriarchy, will continue no matter who Sweden decides to ally with. As will the internationalist solidarity with freedom movements in Rojava and across the world. No borders, no nations, no empires, no capitalist wars. Solidarity with freedom fighters across the globe. Fuck Erdogan, Fuck NATO. Fuck Sweden.
#FuckNATO #FuckErdogan #NATO #sweden #rojava #YPG #YPJ #PKK #noborders #nonations
#FuckNATO #fuckerdogan #nato #sweden #Rojava #ypg #ypj #pkk #noborders #nonations
@shrugdealer are you telling us that the already rigged elections were rigged even more than ususal?! Shocked I tell ya! Shocked!!! #FuckTurkey #FuckErdogan
Ich fasse mal zusammen: ein #Erdbeben legt den Süden der #Türkei und den Norden von #Syrien in Trümmer. Die #Weltgemeinschaft eilt zur Hilfe, nach allem was man sieht und liest anscheinend hauptsächlich der Türkei. Darunter auch Länder, die aus guten Gründen gerade einen Hals auf die Türkei haben, nämlich #Finnland und #Schweden. Und die Türkei? Die bombardiert währenddessen das bereits in Trümmern liegende Syrien und behindert Hilfslieferungen. Soweit korrekt zusammengefasst?
#Erdbeben #turkei #syrien #weltgemeinschaft #finnland #schweden #fuckerdogan
This weekend saw a large anti-NATO demonstration in Stockholm, Sweden. Activists have used clever and diversified tactics to protest Sweden's rushed application to join the imperialist military alliance, which includes dictatorships such as Turkey.
#FuckNATO #fuckerdogan #JinJyanAzadi #Rojava
It looks like Erdogan is hanging out in Gothenburg today.
Det ser ut som att Erdogan hänger i Göteborg idag.
#FuckNATO #fuckerdogan #Rojava
Today Turkey cancelled a planned meeting with the Swedish speaker of parliament, after images emerged in Turkish media showcasing a demonstration of Swedish solidarity groups for Rojava in Stockholm. The images show how a doll resembling Erdogan is hanged upside down outside of the town hall.
This is yet another brilliant way through which Swedish activists rile up Erdogan's dictatorship and at the same time highlight how Sweden is trying to appease an authoritarian dictator while pretending to protect basic human rights.
An impossible equation, with a simple solution: Don't join NATO. Support grassroots liberation struggles, instead of military alliances with imperialists and dictators.
#sweden #turkey #rojava #fucknato #NATO #fuckerdogan #erdogan
#sweden #turkey #Rojava #FuckNATO #nato #fuckerdogan #erdogan
Demo på Rådhustorvet i Vejle i går (lørdag 26/11 2022).
Fuld støtte herfra! ❤️
No more book of knowledge for Turkey. #FuckErdogan