Why #carboncapture is just #greenwashing. Fuck fossil fuels.
#carboncapture #greenwashing #er #fuckshell #fuckexxon #fuckallotherstoo
If capitalism were a driver of innovation, fossil fuel companies like #Exxon would have developed clean alternatives decades ago, instead of lying to the public and paying for junk science to refute the truth.
#FossilFuelsAreDinosaurs #TaxDirtyEnergy #FuckExxon #ExxonKnew
#exxonknew #fuckexxon #taxdirtyenergy #fossilfuelsaredinosaurs #exxon
Given the clear choice between averting global and existential catastrophe, or bigger profits, #Exxon chose profits. #CapitalismKills #FuckExxon #SystemChangeNotClimateChange https://www.theguardian.com/business/2023/jan/12/exxon-climate-change-global-warming-research?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other
#SystemChangeNotClimateChange #fuckexxon #capitalismkills #exxon