It's a really good time to revisit
✊🏻 ✊🏼 ✊🏽 ✊🏾 ✊🏿
40 Ways to Fight Fascists:
Street-Legal Tactics For Community Activists
✊🏿 ✊🏾 ✊🏽 ✊🏼 ✊🏻
Multiple formats are available for handing out, postering, or sharing online at:
#CommunityDefence #WhoKeepsUsSafe #WeKeepUsSafe
#FashWatch #FashWatchCanada #FortyWays #FuckFascism
#CommunityDefence #whokeepsussafe #wekeepussafe #fashwatch #fashwatchcanada #fortyways #fuckfascism
Reading Marge Taylor-Greene's ultimatum on impeaching Biden makes me realize... I need to take a huge dump.
@flexghost In this case, I am going on the assumption that Disney cannot afford to let people forget they are Not To Be Fucked With so that other politicos don't try the same bullshit anytime soon. Good fences make good neighbors, but sometimes you have to nuke someone from orbit so everyone can see why your fences are there to keep you in, not keep them out.
Also #FuckFascism.
DeSantis installs an anti-LGBTQ+ judge to an Orlando appellate court who is part of a group identified as a hate group by SPLC. This is the same guy who defended Kim Davis, the Kentucky county clerk who refused to certify same-sex couples' marriage certificates. Just another taste of what he will do to America.
#fuckfascism #fuckdesantis #Politics #judiciary
Feeling some #PublicEnemy vibes & throwing up one of my old school power up songs.
Shut Em Down - #PublicEnemy
#NowPlaying #MusicFromMyYouth #MusicVideo #Youtube #activistMusic #FuckTheSystem #FuckColonizers #FuckFascism #FightThePowersThatBe 👊✊
#publicenemy #nowplaying #musicfrommyyouth #musicvideo #youtube #activistmusic #fuckthesystem #fuckcolonizers #fuckfascism #fightthepowersthatbe
Today, in good news:
Flamy Grant, a drag queen, hit number one on the Christian music charts with their song “Good Day” after a pastor bro rebuked her on Twitter.
There is a video on that article page that is pretty fantastic.
#drag #dragqueens #fuckfascism
Monique Worrell won 2/3 of the vote among Orange and Osceola County voters. I voted for her. I'm pissed. Crime is down. The two sheriff's DeSantis used in the press conference after he issued his executive order to suspend her weren't even in her jurisdiction as State Attorney for 9th District. The Orlando Police Commissioner backed up her record as an attorney and confirmed crime is down. Sheriff John Mina is predictably not saying anything in support of Worrell. He's already on the Bain Train.
It's plain as day what this is. DeSantis is a racist. He is a fascist. He wants to deal with problems by punching down, locking people up, and attacking anyone who questions him. If he somehow manages to pull his campaign around, we need to be hyper-vigilant. He has no principles and does not give a shit about what you have to say.
#fuckdesantis #fuckfascists #fuckfascism #politics #uspolitics
#fuckdesantis #fuckfascists #fuckfascism #Politics #uspolitics
It's just as I thought. Monique Worrell didn't do anything to warrant being suspended by Ron DeSantis. He is unconstitutionally removing Democrat elected officials and replacing them with his allies.
So far he has gotten away with replacing Andrew Warren. He is busy appealing a decision not to reinstate him due to his technical violation of state law. That violation? Refusing to prosecute women who seek abortion services and doctors who provide them.
#fuckdesantis #fuckfascism #Politics #floridapolitics
Ron DeSantis just suspended another elected official who isn't on board with his fascist agenda for Florida. Monique Worrell is a state attorney with the 9th Judicial Circuit in Orlando. She was elected to serve by the people of Orange and Osceola counties. His reason was "neglect of duty". As governor he does have the right to suspend officials, but he has to have a good reason for it.
What did Monique Worrell do to be suspended for neglect of duty? Apparently she is supposed to be a psychic. Earlier this year, a young man shot and killed a 9 year old girl, a journalist for the Spectrum News 13, and his pregnant girlfriend. The 9th Judicial Circuit approved his release from jail prior to murders. If an inmate has fulfilled conditions of their incarceration, you don't keep them locked up! What else did SA Worrell do to deserve this political hit job? Use her discretion when handling cases involving minors that were involved in crimes in which guns or drugs were involved. She ran on reforming how crimes are prosecuted in Orange and Osceola Counties. She is against locking everyone up. She should be hailed for her efforts to lower crime and using imprisonment as a last resort. DeSantis needs to be stopped.
#fuckdesantis #floridapolitics #fuckfascism
Thanks to everyone in Ohio who voted to defeat the fucking fascists.
#ohio #DemocracyWins #fuckfascism
This is likely to be an unpopular opinion, but please hear me out. The US is under assault from within by Christian Dominionists aka Christian Nationalists. These people are not Christians. They are a performative death cult driven by a patriarchal, fascist worldview. We all know that, and we can all agree on that. Okay, here comes the unpopular opinion.
The only way to fight Christian Nationalism is through learning what Christianity is and what it isn't. That means studying The Bible, talking to Christians who are horrified by what is happening and bringing them in as allies, becoming members of organizations that fight to keep Church and State (Surprise! There are tons of religious people who belong to these organizations because they see the danger of Christian Nationalism), and countering Christian Nationalists' talking points with Scripture they claim to hold so dear.
A good place to start studying The Bible is The Skeptics Annotated Bible, found here:
Second, join a secular organization actively working on advocacy and court cases involving Church - State separation issues. Here is list from Wikipedia:
Third, follow Betty Bowers, America's Best Christian on YouTube and website (it's satire)
Mrs. Betty Bowers, America's Best Christian - YouTube
I hope you all will have an open mind on this, and give it try. As Sun Tzu said in the Art of War: “If you know the enemy and you know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles."
#fightreligioushypocrisy #savedemocracy #religiousknowledgematters #fuckfascism #fuckchristiannationalists
#fightreligioushypocrisy #savedemocracy #religiousknowledgematters #fuckfascism #fuckchristiannationalists
I had thought I might post video of Trump being arraigned, but CSPAN decided to spend an hour and a half giving voice to republicans and democrats on the issue, and turned it into a complete 'both sides' festival.
These idiots really need to get their heads around the notion that there is not one good fucking thing about the GOP agenda, and that it is because they are liars who are literally out to hurt people.
Repeat after me: FASCISTS.
No matter the region, still not 🖤’ing fascists.
That said, definitely ❤️‘ing the specificity of this southern-style antifascist sticker, harking to the history that shapes the white supremacy in these parts, and thus what resistance to it has, does, and could look like.
Hey, northerners, what would your/our version of this #ArtOfResistance be? Or for that matter, easterners and westerners?
(photo: three-arrow #FuckFascism design on a circular sticker with the words “Southern antifascist anti-Confederate” on it, as seen on a sunset ramble this eve through the stolen streets of Asheville, NC)
Finnish antigoverment protesters chanting “Hallitus sinimusta, ei saa luottamusta!”(goverment is black and blue, we do not give trust to you.)
#naziJokeGovernment #antiGovernmentProtest #finland #politics #politicsFinland #protest #fuckNazis #fuckfascism #zeroToleranceForFascists
#nazijokegovernment #antigovernmentprotest #finland #politics #politicsfinland #protest #fucknazis #fuckfascism #zerotoleranceforfascists
twój pradziadek zabrał mojemu pradziadkowi cukierka i dlatego cię nie lubię.
tak wygląda skrajnie prawicowa narracja wypominająca jakieś incydenty które się zdarzyły bardzo dawno w historii :)
#fcknzs #fuckfascism #fuckborders #lewica
4/🧵 on 🏳️🌈 month
And last night there was a hate-motivated robbery, where the target was punched and kicked and had their possessions stolen, according to the police statement.
At around 8:20 p.m. on Greenbank Road near Lisa Avenue, a victim was punched, kicked and robbed in the street by a group of males, police said.
Police were called to the area and say they arrested three youths.
The event is being treated as a "hate-motivated incident," police said, as the perpetrators uttered hateful comments disparaging the LGBTQ community. The hate and bias crime unit is taking part in the investigation, police added.
#fuckhomophobia #fucktransphobia #fuckfascism
3/🧵 on 🏳️🌈 month
But are you aware of two incidents in Ottawa, where yesterday's hatefest took place?
One took place last week after the disgusting fashy #TerrorTots held their June 9 nonsense outside Ottawa schools (repeated, less "successfully" yesterday at a Drag Queen Story Hour in the Arts Centre).
The graffiti, which has since been removed, included swastikas, hateful comments about several groups of people including Black, Indigenous, Amish, Chinese, 2SLGBTQ+ and people with Down syndrome, along with other subjects.
A window was also smashed and the door of a portable was broken, although it is not believed that anyone actually entered the school or portables, said the board.
“Fortunately, this was discovered by staff before the start of the school day and the graffiti was covered. Students were not exposed to the graffiti and staff kept all students away from the area when they arrived at school and throughout the school day.”
{{ snip }}
On June 9, protesters supporting anti-“gender ideology” activist “Chris Elston clashed with counter-protesters on Broadview Avenue, where there are three schools: Nepean High School, Broadview Public School and Notre Dame High School.
All three schools had to adjust their schedules because of the potential chaos, and the OCDSB asked the public not to attend.
The street was blocked by police and five people were arrested, although no charges were laid. Elston, known as “Billboard Chris,” said the protests were among the largest gatherings of their type on his experience and the counter-protest made the event “go viral.”
#ShutDownHate #SaveCanadaFash #FuckHomophobia #FuckTransphobia #FuckFascism
#terrortots #shutdownhate #savecanadafash #fuckhomophobia #fucktransphobia #fuckfascism
Knowledge is power. DeFascist wants to take your power away.
#fuckfascism #fuckrepublicans #fuckdesantis #fuckthegop #usa #USpolitics #uspoli #Educationmatters #knowledge #democracymatters #democracy
#democracy #DemocracyMatters #knowledge #EducationMatters #uspoli #uspolitics #USA #fuckthegop #fuckdesantis #fuckrepublicans #fuckfascism
Get fucked, bozo. Stay away from kids.
#usa #uspoli #USpolitics #neonazis #Georgia #americanpoli #americanpolitics #fuckfascism #democracymatters
#DemocracyMatters #fuckfascism #americanpolitics #americanpoli #georgia #neonazis #uspolitics #uspoli #USA
#BurlingtonMA school parents, look to the other parents at your schools. They are forcing their fascist bigoted views on their children and turning them into mini fascism enforcers.
The response to this should be no less than ostracizing the parents of these children from every school and community event. Make them more uncomfortable than they have ever been before.
#burlingtonma #fuckfascism #lgbtqpride #massachusetts