But you fail to see how the Xtian man gets all the benefits: He has unquestioned full custody of his children (the males are obviously more important since they carry on the family name), and will get a brand new woman with a tighter pussy. #cult45 #fuckfundies #fuckyourreligion #misogyny #ProChoiceIsProLife https://youtu.be/PP0bLdOplyk
#cult45 #fuckfundies #fuckyourreligion #misogyny #prochoiceisprolife
https://www.reddit.com/r/Qult_Headquarters/comments/10fnvna/board_of_education_member_read_out_threatening/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Another bunch of reasons to hate conservatives. The asshats issuing the threats don’t understand that THEY will continue to suffer under a liberfuckheadarian Xtian white ethnostate. #fuckantivaxxers #dropdeadMAGAts #fucktheGOP #anticonservative #fuckfundies #cult45
#fuckantivaxxers #dropdeadmagats #fucktheGOP #anticonservative #fuckfundies #cult45
Last page of the #KevinMcCarthyIsALoser lie about Eric Swalwell thread. #fucktheGOP #fuckfundies #MAGAtsdropdead #GOPhypocrisy #conservativesarestupid
#conservativesarefailing #whitetrash
#kevinmccarthyisaloser #fucktheGOP #fuckfundies #magatsdropdead #GOPHypocrisy #conservativesarestupid #conservativesarefailing #whitetrash
Do me a favor, NEVER bitch to me as to why I HATE conservacucks. #fucktheGOP #fuckfundies #MAGAtsdropdead #GOPhypocrisy #conservativesarestupid
#conservativesarefailing #whitetrash
#fucktheGOP #fuckfundies #magatsdropdead #GOPHypocrisy #conservativesarestupid #conservativesarefailing #whitetrash
Runningtowardhappiness is a firefighter who teaches CPR at the Red Cross in Florida. He also doesn’t believe in vaccines, doesn’t believe COVID is real, thinks commies are falling out of the trees, Democrats and LGBTQ people are raping kids, and that Xtians are persecuted in the US. You want him putting out fires at your house? #fuckantivaxxers #fucktheGOP #cult45 #fuckfundies #floridaman
#fuckantivaxxers #fucktheGOP #cult45 #fuckfundies #floridaman