El #8MCanòdrom és música 🎵, tecnologia 🖱️ i #FuckGenderRoles✊🏽
🗓️ 3 de març, a les 17.30 h
Reivindiquem el #8M2023 amb un doble concert d'artistes emergents i consolidades de la ciutat.
🔝Nuria Duran, veïna de Nou Barris i del Canòdrom, oferirà un concert en directe i en format duo amb el guitarrista Deiv.
🎧 Del Sònar 2022 al Canòdrom, presentem l'Al show AWWZ b2b AI d'Awwz per reflexionar sobre la cruïlla entre IA, gust musical i participació del públic.
Inscripcions: https://bit.ly/Canodrom8M2023
#8mcanodrom #fuckgenderroles #8m2023
⚡️Cultura, Intel·ligència Artificial i #FuckGenderRoles!
Tornem a omplir les grades del Canòdrom de música i tecnologia pel #8M2023.
📅 3 de març | de 17.30 a 21.30 h
🎸 Concert de pop folk conceptual amb Núria Duran
🎹 Show AWWZ b2b AI amb AWWZ
🗣 "Inclusió de Gènere en la IA", una conversa sobre els models culturals tecnològics amb perspectiva de gènere
#SaveTheDate i vine a hackejar la bretxa digital de gènere!
🎟 Entrada gratuïta amb inscripció prèvia: https://bit.ly/Canodrom8M2023
#fuckgenderroles #8m2023 #savethedate #8mcanodrom
As a cis man, let me say this: bros need to step up!
Oi, mate! Do the fucking housework, bro!
It is very sweet that my partner's parents are trying to keep me from feeling uncomfortable by not having me do things that are "traditionally masculine", but if you are having issues that I can help with, just ask.
Went to the opera tonight and saw The Magic Flute. The Queen of the Night and Papageno were truly magnificent. In general though ... boy oh boy some things just don't age well. I cringed a lot.
"I'm too heartbroken so I'll kill myself." Not just one character but two. What kinda message is that?
And all those rapey vibes ... holy shit. The toxic masculinity, the willing obedience in the female roles ... just wow.
#opera #mozart #cringe #rant #wtf #fuckgenderroles
I felt festive today! #yule #happholidays #queerfashion #genderfluid #pansexualpride #genderrebel #menpainttheirnailstoo #fuckgenderroles
#yule #happholidays #queerfashion #genderfluid #pansexualpride #genderrebel #menpainttheirnailstoo #fuckgenderroles
You know it really sucks every time I go to the pharmacy they always double no triple question if I am who I say I am cuz I’m on estrogen hormones and my chart says I’m a woman but they have outdated and transphobic views of trans people and what being a woman is. It’s so aggravating it makes me so uncomfortable and angry. 🏳️⚧️😡 #Trans #Transgender #FuckTransphobia #FuckGenderRoles #TransRightsAreHumanRights
#transrightsarehumanrights #fuckgenderroles #fucktransphobia #Transgender #Trans
You know it really sucks every time I go to the pharmacy they always double no triple question if I am who I say I am cuz I’m on estrogen hormones and my chart says I’m a woman but they have outdated and transphobic views of trans people and what being a woman is. It’s so aggravating it makes me so uncomfortable and angry. 🏳️⚧️😡 #Trans #Transgender #FuckTransphobia #FuckGenderRoles #TransRightsAreHumanRights
#transrightsarehumanrights #fuckgenderroles #fucktransphobia #Transgender #Trans