Scammy Davis Jr looked at Matt Walsh’s wife and brood of 6 and asked him how he did it.
Matt Walsh: “Simple: I enticed her with money, got a bunch of dirt on her, and if she leaves me I get the kids, turn them against her and sue her until she commits suicide.” #scammydavisjr #alialexander #cult45 #MattWalsh #fuckincels #January6
#scammydavisjr #AliAlexander #cult45 #MattWalsh #fuckincels #January6 This is why Jordan Peterson, the red pillheads, the MRA fucks, and MGTOW incels need to die. Gentlemen you can not beat, get drunk, get high, yell and scream, fuck, rape, or clean your rooms enough to run away from your problems. #FuckMRA #fucktheredpill #fuckincels #fuckpatriarchy #fucksexism #cult45 #fuckjordanpeterson #fuckmgtow
#fuckmra #fucktheredpill #fuckincels #fuckpatriarchy #fucksexism #cult45 #fuckjordanpeterson #fuckmgtow