#ComingUp on #ThisArmageddonBritain...
#QuoteToots...! #StillQuiteCool...
#IF you don't #BehaveYourselves, I'll #PortIT into the #MastodonSpyBalloon...
#FuckIT... I #Might #DoIT #Anyway... | #FuckITFridays...!
🧙⚔️ 🤖🐺🤖⚔️🧙 | 🎈🎠🦹🦄🦹🎠🎈
#meanwhile #comingup #thisarmageddonbritain #quotetoots #stillquitecool #if #behaveyourselves #portit #mastodonspyballoon #fuckit #might #doit #anyway #fuckitfridays
Gibt es einen "Kapitulations"-Knopf für den Versuch seinen #Lebensunterhalt aus #Sozialleistungen zu bestreiten? Also wenn Mensch irgendwie genug #backlog, #Frust und #Resignation angesammelt um zu sagen #fuckit, dann halt #Obdachlosigkeit. Frage für eine Freund*in...
#lebensunterhalt #sozialleistungen #backlog #frust #resignation #fuckit #obdachlosigkeit
@OutOnTheMoors @marcorobotics You also hit an age where you're just like #FuckIt - gonna just run freely with my freak flag!
I have ripened to this give no fucks about shitty public opinions stage of life 😊
Sometimes we just need to hear some good advice - and this is such a time. OK this is a bit over the top but the point remains: You don't always HAVE to be there. Wherever there is.
#fuckit #goodadvice #truerwords
All these non-standard (ish) shitty requirements to simply run an activitypub server... #fuckit
Phuket... The only place to go for a nice holiday & forget all your problems 😁 😄
(Ph is pronounced F where I come from)
#phuket #fuckit #naughty #havealaugh
#havealaugh #naughty #fuckit #phuket
#Introduction #artist #art #arthistory #music #culture #design #leftist #protopia #metamodernism #advaita #vedanta #theself #transcend #digitalart #prints #lgbtq #neoromantic #nft #cleannft #sustainability #abstract #romanticism #kindness #agoodlifelived? #lgbtq #photography #architecture #lifelonglearner #blender #fullyautomatedluxurycommunism #SriRamakrishna #middleaged #fuckit #labelsonhumans #willdieoneday
#Introduction #artist #art #arthistory #music #culture #design #leftist #protopia #metamodernism #advaita #vedanta #theself #transcend #digitalart #prints #lgbtq #neoromantic #nft #cleannft #sustainability #abstract #romanticism #kindness #agoodlifelived #photography #architecture #lifelonglearner #blender #fullyautomatedluxurycommunism #sriramakrishna #middleaged #fuckit #labelsonhumans #willdieoneday
Woo. Just got told that the interest rate on my ISA has gone up. To 2.73%. What is inflation at the moment? Well last month it was a mere 9.2%.
Why do I even bother trying?
Electrical and plumbing standards in many Mediterranean countries are... exactly like this.
We've seen worse in Sicily, but this AC breaker installed at eye level, exposed to weather, with the open contacts shoddily taped over is in fact on the busiest pedestrian road in town.
#fail #fuckit #safety #wiring #electrical #spain #cartagena
I got a hashtag ban put on me back when I used twatter, (probably bc of my involvement in #yesallwomen and other pro-women's existence hashtags), so I'm pretty much taking over the hashtags here. Watch out.
#hashtagmadness #hashtags #watchout #ohno #toomuch #toomanytoots #whatdowedo #fuckit #enjoyit #IknowIwill
#yesallwomen #hashtagmadness #hashtags #watchout #ohno #toomuch #toomanytoots #whatdowedo #fuckit #enjoyit #iknowiwill
The line between #Pity & #Empathy #Sympathy may be fine, yet it is incredibly impactful. Pity is a derogatory negative intention that has monumental power to wound & hurt the recipient. Pity is never good!!! #Empathy & #Sympathy on the other hand are beautifully grounded intentions which shower the recipient in a beautiful energy. It is a transaction between one person and another, no judgement, no ego involved. It’s worse when those who are meant to (or so we assume) see beyond the label, to see the innate human gifts and abilities, regardless of disability. Staying at my sisters for a few days it’s interesting to observe how others engage with my special needs daughter. Some see my amazing daughter, her strengths, humour & beauty before they see her disability, whilst others just see the disability first. I’m sick of hearing #yourplateissofull or #icanonlyimaginehowhardyourjourneyis … well I say #FuckIt & #FuckYourPatheticPityParty why? Because my daughter is very capable, very funny & oh so real. I’d choose her in a heartbeat all over again. She woke me from a deep sleep of apathy. She woke me up!!! I think, feel, see, experience the world & life so differently now, because of her. No she won’t go to Uni or have a great job, but I don’t care, so long as she’s healthy, happy and loved unconditionally.
#pity #empathy #sympathy #yourplateissofull #icanonlyimaginehowhardyourjourneyis #fuckit #fuckyourpatheticpityparty
Die Gesellschaft muss sich entscheiden:
#Klimaaktivismus = #Terror
#Klimaaktivismus = #ZukunftRetten
Ich hoffe so sehr, dass #Lützenrath ein #Wendepunkt in der "Debatte" wird. Wir haben keine Zeit für halbherzig Scheiße. Die Katastrophe wartet nicht, bis wir soweit sind sie abzuwenden. Oder wenigstens abzuschwächen.
Also entweder #FuckIt und wir reiten zum Untergang der Menschheit, oder wir fangen an unser Leben zu retten.
#klimaaktivismus #terror #zukunftretten #lutzenrath #Wendepunkt #fuckit #lutzibleibt
x-heesy: Sir Joan Cornellà, genius @sirjoancornella@twitter.com #joancornella #gotesque #skuril #phunny #alltimefavorite #fuckit #instaart #instaartist #bizzare #contemporaryart #cartoon #comics #mffav #mytumblr #whatilike #ho99o9 #horror #acab #thankyou... https://tmblr.co/Z3_bctd5P8Oimq00
#joancornella #gotesque #skuril #phunny #alltimefavorite #fuckit #instaart #instaartist #bizzare #contemporaryart #cartoon #comics #mffav #mytumblr #whatilike #ho99o9 #horror #acab #thankyou
x-heesy: Sir Joan Cornellà, genius @sirjoancornella@twitter.com #joancornella #gotesque #skuril #phunny #alltimefavorite #fuckit #instaart #instaartist #bizzare #contemporaryart #cartoon #comics #mffav #mytumblr #whatilike #ho99o9 #horror #acab #thankyou... https://tmblr.co/Z3_bctd5P8Oimq00
#joancornella #gotesque #skuril #phunny #alltimefavorite #fuckit #instaart #instaartist #bizzare #contemporaryart #cartoon #comics #mffav #mytumblr #whatilike #ho99o9 #horror #acab #thankyou