#FuckMikePence #MikePenceForNothing #GOP #GOPHate
Pence Joins Trend Of Using LGBTQ Fear-Mongering In Campaign For Ohio’s Anti-Democracy Initiative https://talkingpointsmemo.com/news/pence-ohio-ballot-initiative-trans
#gophate #gop #mikepencefornothing #fuckmikepence
Too much of a knee-walking Trump-fluffer. His one decent act - at the very end of his political career - doesn't make up for 6 years of Trump enabling, nor the many years of trying to shove his weird evangelical bullshit down the throats of Hoosiers. #FuckMikePence #mikepencefornothingever
#fuckmikepence #mikepencefornothingever
Though he also had a war on gay people as governor, and his family are pillagers.
Mike knows a lot about the gas business! Mike Pence’s family’s failed gas stations cost taxpayers $20M+ 13-JUL-2018 #NeverMikePence2024 #FuckMikePence https://apnews.com/article/07f9256ae1984362ba3eff192b4d6dd0
#fuckmikepence #nevermikepence2024
Mike Pence and Traditional Values:
3 Wives, No Dog, 2 Impeachments, 1 Failed Coup, Countless Affairs & Abortions, Lifetime Twitter Ban, 6 Bankruptcies, 3,500 Lawsuits, 26 documented assaults on women, 6 Deferments, 55,386 lies, 525k needless deaths, 427 rounds of golf, 27 Handicap, ZERO friends.
#MikePence #PenceRehabTour #GOPTraitors #NeverMikePence2024 #FuckMikePence
#fuckmikepence #nevermikepence2024 #goptraitors #pencerehabtour #mikepence
Mike knows a lot about the gas business!
Mike Pence’s family’s failed gas stations cost taxpayers $20M+ 13-JUL-2018 #NeverMikePence2024 #FuckMikePence https://apnews.com/article/07f9256ae1984362ba3eff192b4d6dd0
#fuckmikepence #nevermikepence2024
Nice to know some things never change. Mike Pence is still a fake Christian and a coward. He won’t say whether he thinks the guy who tried to hang him is fit for office. #NeverMikePence2024 #FuckMikePence
#fuckmikepence #nevermikepence2024
Mike knows a lot about the gas business!
Mike Pence’s family’s failed gas stations cost taxpayers $20M+ 13-JUL-2018 #NeverMikePence2024 #FuckMikePence https://apnews.com/article/07f9256ae1984362ba3eff192b4d6dd0
#fuckmikepence #nevermikepence2024
From the Department of #FuckMikePence.
Mike Pence, who served as vice president under Donald Trump, told Breitbart News the Manhattan district attorney's investigation "reeks" of "political prosecution." https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2023/03/18/trump-arrest-manhattan-district-attorney-mike-pence-response-vpx.cnn
#nevermikepence #fuckmikepence
Former VP Mike Pence says he will take subpoena fight to Supreme Court if necessary.
Trying to sound all principled. #FuckMikePence
Mike Pence: ‘We’ve got to have a conversation’ about reforming Social Security. Saying that 70% of government spending is on entitlement programs, Pence asserted, “And the truth is we’ve got to have a conversation.”
The vast majority of voter would disagree that a discussion is necessary regarding SS—especially considering that the source of the money is the recipients and their employers. We think the discussion should be about tax rates for the wealthy and corporations.