I read this as Nestle says the price of their chocolate will go up if they can't use slavery.
I know it’s old and most people have already said it, but seriously; fuck Nestlé!
@ElPulpoTX no worries there, I have no right to judge anyone 🦥
Except, like, Putin. Fuck dictators! 😡
Oh, and Nestle! #FuckNestle (I miss Japanese KitKats so much) 😭
“Inspired by Nestle bringing a court case last year to prevent former child slaves who produced Nestle chocolate from suing the company in the US.”
#fuckNestle #ethicalConsumer
Capitalism brings innovation! Look at all of the innovation! Taking an essential and borderline-free resource and privatizing it for massive profit, leading to scarcity!
#fucknestle #capitalism #latestagecapitalism #anticonsumption #water #bottledwater
#fucknestle #capitalism #latestagecapitalism #anticonsumption #water #bottledwater
I can't ask someone else to take a risk I would not take myself. And I would not be the one to risk criminal prosecution over this.
But, yes, definitely #FuckNestle
@stevensrmiller @dancinyogi they made their choice (and I am too).
I encourage people to shop as ethically as they can reasonably afford - I won't judge someone for not having options.
But for those of us who can, we should boycott & let them know why!
Also, #FuckNestle
@elfin @marinade
I'd like to see the CEO dropped in the middle of the desert with no water. And then when he's near the end, given a teaspoon of water, over and over again till his hopes being dashed kills him, not dehydration.
FYI - Nestle does far more harm to humans than the Terf-Wizard-Lady.
Don't be a hypocrite.
If you're gonna harass people over their purchases, take a good look at what YOU've been buying.
You might not be as ethical as you think.
Five of my favorite confections are Lion bars, Matchmakers, Aero, Milky Bars, and After Eight.
These are, frustratingly, made by Nestle. #FuckNestle #Sweets #Candy
zusätzlich zu allem anderen sieht Nestle auch keinen Grund den Handel mit Russland einzuschränken.
Mir macht es ja tatsächlich auch Spaß beim Einkaufen Gründe zu haben bestimmte Dinge nicht zu kaufen - auch weil ich sonst zu viel Unsinn kaufe.
Sans rentrer dans les détails, mais depuis que j'ai réduit drastiquement la #malbouffe de l'industrie agroalimentaire, que je bois plus de soda, que je mange de la viande plus rarement mais de super qualité (locale de préférence et bien elevée), mes analyses de sang n'ont jamais été aussi bonnes !! #flexitarien #fucknestle #fucklactalis #fuckcoca
#malbouffe #flexitarien #fucknestle #fucklactalis #fuckcoca