#NoNoLabels #FuckNoLabels
No Labels Is Such a Weird and Desperate Grift https://www.esquire.com/news-politics/politics/a44704941/no-labels-donors-conservative/
No Labels thinks Ross Perot was a moderate. LOL. Ross Perot was a billionaire and an insane, Barry Goldwater wanna be. #NoNoLabels #FuckNoLabels
No Labels is a fake group intended to steal votes away from Democrats to help Republican candidates.
An ad from RFK Jr. that has since been deleted features a model wearing his campaign hoodie spiff, while standing on a Russian street, with signs in Russian surrounding her. LOL. #RFKIsPutin #VoteBlueButNeverRFK #NoNoLabels #FuckNoLabels
#fucknolabels #nonolabels #votebluebutneverrfk #rfkisputin