Been listening to a lot of stuff from Grim Stone Records. It’s interesting how diverse a label they are. #kvlt #underground #fucknsbm
In case anyone is keeping score, Joel was kicked out of Marduk for drinking and other antics during the first 10 minutes of their set.
This may sound goofy, but I'm looking for some political t-shirts to wear on stage when my band performs (it feels like the very least I can do). For the past decade, I've been wearing a shirt that says "believe survivors of sexual assault" - I want to add others into the rotation.
Some topics or causes I am into:
* protect trans kids / trans rights
* something anti-fascist
* something anti-racist (I think "black lives matter" is good, is there something else?)
* something about protecting abortion rights
Designs should be relatively easy to read from a distance. Bonus points if the shirt is made/sold by a member of the community it's representing/uplifting (e.g. a "protect trans kids" shirt is made by a trans person). Also more bonus points if the shirts are not the athletic "slim fit" - I'm old and kinda big.
I've found a few things on Etsy, but honestly, most of the designs don't appeal to me. What are some other sources?
#fashion #BlackLivesMatter #ProtectTransYouth #ProtectTransKids #ProtectAbortionRights #fucknsbm #AntiRacist #AntiFascist #AntiRacistAction #AntiFascistAction #StopCopCity #StopSupportingRacistBands
#fashion #blacklivesmatter #protecttransyouth #ProtectTransKids #protectabortionrights #fucknsbm #AntiRacist #antifascist #antiracistaction #antifascistaction #StopCopCity #stopsupportingracistbands
Holy fucking shit. Marduk's bass player fucking gave a full-on Nazi salute on stage over the weekend!
They dismiss him for "a variety of intolerable stage antics" - but notice they never denounce fascism.
I just found out that the singer from the Belgian hardcore band Arkangel assaulted his partner at a fest some years ago. My band is scheduled to play with them this summer.
We're also scheduled to play the same day as Mayhem at Pit Fest. Marduk is also playing but on a different day.
I feel fucking hopeless. I can't believe shit like racism and sexism is tolerated in music and art cultures that supposedly embrace inclusivity.
#Catharsis #arkangel #Marduk #Mayhem #hardcore #punk #BlackMetal #PitFest #FuckNSBM
#catharsis #arkangel #marduk #mayhem #hardcore #punk #blackmetal #pitfest #fucknsbm
If you missed @firestorm 's Black Metal Rainbows event, the recording is now on YouTube:
It was a great discussion on the queer and anti-fascist possibilities of black metal, followed by a Q&A.
#blackmetal #BlackMetalRainbows #antifascistblackmetal #fucknsbm
I attended @firestorm 's Nazi Black Metal Fvck Off! event last night. It was a great discussion with the editors, authors, and art director.
I keep thinking about... I can't believe people tolerate Nazis in the (black metal) scene. In the 1980s, when Nazi skinheads tried to infiltrate the punk scene, we made it perfectly clear they weren't welcome. We used violence if we had to. AFAIK, there is no longer a Nazi problem in "mainstream" punk, and hasn't been for decades.
I do appreciate the insights from the discussion last night though. Stanimir said something about not RE-claiming the space from Nazis (emphasis mine), because black metal is and always has been for the misfits, and outcasts. Rather, we should be *claiming* the space.
#blackmetal #fucknsbm #naziblackmetalfuckoff #BlackMetalRainbows
I just had a moment. There's a whole genre of music that before listening to a new artist, I have to spend a few minutes researching whether or not they are racist shitbags.
The scene tolerates it.
And I sign up for it.
Like what the actual fuck?
I feel like Bring Forth the Exodus gets it.
#fucknsbm #antifascistblackmetal #blackmetal
I wish more "apolitical" bands would answer the "How do you feel about fascism?" question like Hellripper.
If you don't say you are against it, to me it means you're for it.
#hellripper #heavymetal #fucknsbm
when you discover that new band you stumbled upon and loved is actually super sketch
#rabm #fucknsbm #fucknazis #fuckfascists #metal #blackmetal