I'm looking forward to the day this can be worn ironically.
Pfizer Essential T-Shirt – Llamashirt https://llamashirt.com/t-shirt/20196683-pfizer-essential-shirt?utm_source=GoogleFreeListings&utm_campaign=Kliken+-+Google+Shopping+-+US&utm_campaign_id=781772&utm_ad_group_id=683379&utm_prod_id=1890756&utm_mobile=0
Dr. Mcculough onto the “Moderna had a head start” path now.
Hell yes. We need more prominent people speaking out about this.
#warpath #fuckpfizer #modernasucks
#warpath #fuckpfizer #modernasucks
More study citations by Dr. Peter Mcculough
I know people like to make a big deal about all the athletes who have issues with a certain shot.
Yes. It sucks. This tennis player lost his income and means to feed his family.
But what about all the regular people who have had their lives altered in this way?
Short video of authorities touting effectiveness of a certain medical procedure. Dramatic music isn’t needed, but adds to the “wow, these people are assholes” effect.
#warpath #fuckpfizer
Been interesting to watch the shift in the attitude of Dr. Peter Mcculough over the past few weeks.
I like it.
They must just be buying them and not planning on using them…….
But hey, prices for everything are at all time highs and the government keeps blowing billions on useless inoculations that just keep making people sick.
Makes sens
FDA meeting regarding whether or not the current strain composition of their shots should be modified.
Just in time for Pfizer and Moderna to roll out their good news about Omicron boosters
Meeting is tomorrow.
Oh yes. I’m sure the Russia is the only one who pulled this. What a crock of finger pointing BS
I’m no doctor, but she is…….
Of course they did. On a fucking Saturday.
Protect those who can not protect themselves.
From the good Dr.
Protect the little ones.
Israel data conflicts that of the CDC regarding myocarditis in the unvaccinated.
Take the vax———-get Covid and can spread it.
Take Paxlovid———get rebound Covid and can spread it.
ITM all!!!
Worth reading this thread the good Dr. Kory points too.
Vaccines are doing their job of weakening the immune system.
Never forget. Always ask yourself why?
Why do the “common people” have to take it or lose their jobs? Or have to switch careers to in order to not have this?