Ardern had one of the few positive outcomes for any nation after the worst of the Covid-19 pandemic. The following posts are of vile anti-vax conservacucks MOSTLY FROM THE US that want to see her dead or in prison. Only one was Kiwi, and she is parroting Fux Noise racist property crime and anti-tax economic bullfuckery (I think she hates MÄoris). Part I #fuckconservatives #fuckantivaxxers #fucktheGOP #jacindaardern #cult45 #fuckqanonculties
#fuckconservatives #fuckantivaxxers #fucktheGOP #jacindaardern #cult45 #fuckqanonculties
Why is there a J6 protest? I thought that Auntie Fahs, BLM, federal agents, and peaceful tourists did it? #cult45 #J6Committee #fuckqanonculties #fucktheGOP
#cult45 #J6Committee #fuckqanonculties #fucktheGOP