1MadMom · @1MADMOM
167 followers · 557 posts · Server sfba.social

This is a perfect example of why we need a . Someone with mental health issues should NOT have access to guns!

BBC News - Jacksonville shooter, 21, who killed three 'wrote racist manifestos'

#federalredlflaglaw #fuckracism

Last updated 1 year ago

Captain Aby Sparklepants · @aby
1156 followers · 3690 posts · Server aus.social

“He said, ‘I thought I was dying in the cell last night’. He said ‘I couldn’t move’,”

She said the arrest was so violent it could have broken a bone when the young man was thrown to the ground. She claimed an ambulance was not called despite his seizures.

In May a NSW police officer was found guilty of assaulting a 16-year-old Indigenous boy in inner Sydney in 2020, when he threw the boy to the ground using a similar leg sweep manoeuvre.


#aboriginal #indigenous #decolonise #abolishpolice #abolition #abolishprisons #anarchism #communitynotcops #racism #whiteness #whitesupremacy #fuckracism #fuckwhiteness #SovereigntyNeverCeded

Last updated 1 year ago

Captain Aby Sparklepants · @aby
1150 followers · 3681 posts · Server aus.social

Tbh a lot of the criticism about Rachel Zegler's interview comments being smug and inappropriate just feel grounded in misogynistic racism and "why is that non-white person having An Opinion?!"

Like she's said that the original Snow White movie was problematic about consent (it was)

She's said that the original Snow White movie was scary for a child to watch (it was)

She's said that they've rewritten her character so she's not some love obsessed girl, but is motivated by being a fair and good leader (which is a better story to tell)

She's said that she (and all people who worked on it) deserve to be paid when the film is shown on streaming services (they do)

#snowwhite #disney #streaming #wgastrike #racism #whiteness #whitesupremacy #fuckracism #fuckwhiteness

Last updated 1 year ago

Captain Aby Sparklepants · @aby
1143 followers · 3673 posts · Server aus.social
Captain Aby Sparklepants · @aby
1143 followers · 3673 posts · Server aus.social

"Herman and I called it an “antirape squad.” We set up guidelines for the other prisoners who wanted to stand with us: Work in pairs; never alone. Use violence only as a last resort. Every Thursday on fresh fish day we armed ourselves and went down the walk, introduced ourselves to the new prisoners, and told them they were now under the protection of the Black Panther Party. We escorted them to whatever dormitory they were assigned to and we explained the type of games that a prisoner played to sexually assault or rape another prisoner, or coerce him into becoming a sex slave. “Don’t borrow anything,” we told them. “Don’t take anything that’s offered, don’t ask for favors, don’t accept favors. If you do you are opening yourselves up to being in debt to sexual predators.” We told them if they needed anything to come to us. We’d help them find what they needed—whether soap, toothpaste, deodorant, or “zuzus,” the term we used for snacks like potato chips and candy. If we came upon anyone threatening another prisoner with rape we stopped it. Sometimes all it took was to say something—“Brother, leave that, go ahead on” or “This ain’t gonna happen”—and that would be enough. Other times we had to fight. We put the word out that if you messed with someone under our protection you had to deal with the Black Panther Party. As the presence of the party grew on the walk we knew the prisoner “shot callers”—those who had profitable gambling, drug, and prostitution businesses within the prison—were watching us. I never had a direct confrontation with any of them, but we always traveled in groups of two or three. That wouldn’t protect us from being attacked but it made us feel better.
Wherever we were, in the dorm, at our jobs, on the chow line, on the walk, Herman and I talked about the Black Panther Party. Some guys would make remarks to me like, “Damn, man, that’s all you talk about, the Panthers.” I didn’t deny it. For me it was always the Panthers. Our list of enemies was long. It wasn’t just the prisoner pimps and drug dealers, both white and black, who hated us. Snitches gravitated to us too, trying to get information they could sell. Security officers overheard us. We knew we were a threat to the status quo. I got scared of being killed sometimes. But I believed what I was struggling for was more important than me. It never occurred to me to stop what we were doing."

-- Albert Woodfox
Former Angola 3 political prisoner
from Solitary: Unbroken by Four Decades in Solitary Confinement. My Story of Transformation and Hope

This solidarity is the reason the Louisiana prison authorities tortured the Angola 3 political prisoners -- Albert Woodfox, Herman Wallace, and Robert King -- in solitary confinement for over 40 years.

#racism #whiteness #whitesupremacy #fuckracism #fuckwhiteness #anarchism #activism #abolishpolice #abolishprisons #abolition

Last updated 1 year ago

Captain Aby Sparklepants · @aby
1143 followers · 3668 posts · Server aus.social

“The purpose of the chief repressive institutions within the totalitarian capitalist state is clearly to discourage and prohibit certain activity, and the prohibitions are aimed at very distinctly defined sectors of the class–and race–sensitized society. The ultimate expression of law is not order–it’s prison. There are hundreds upon hundreds of prisons, and thousands upon thousands of laws, yet there is no social order, no social peace. Anglo-Saxon bourgeois law is tied firmly into economics. One can even pick that out of those Vital Statistics. Bourgeois law protects property relations and not social relationships. The cultural traits of capitalist society that also tend to check activity–(individualism, artificial politeness juxtaposed to an aloof rudeness, the rush to learn 'how to' instead of 'what is')–are secondary really, and intended for those mild cases (and groups) that require preventive measures only. The law and everything that interlocks with it was constructed for poor, desperate people like me.”

--George Jackson, Blood In My Eyes

#racism #whiteness #whitesupremacy #fuckracism #fuckwhiteness #anarchism #activism #abolishpolice #abolishprisons #abolition #fuckcapitalism

Last updated 1 year ago

CygnusX11 :arch: :lxde: :fsf: · @cygnusx11
72 followers · 406 posts · Server fosstodon.org

Hello everyone, got some new . For my and but also folk out there. 1st Tatoo is Linux First binary translates “refuse” and 2nd “resist”

#ink #nerds #geeks #activism #arch #archlinux #archbtw #binarycode #fuckracism #DefundThePolice

Last updated 1 year ago

Captain Aby Sparklepants · @aby
1130 followers · 3590 posts · Server aus.social

"I am the granddaughter of the witches you couldn't burn"

She says in response to a native woman pleading with her to stop appropriating our sacred medicines

"Haters mean I'm doing something right"

She says in response to a black woman telling her that not all magic belongs to her, that she can't understand the suffering that makes this power, that she can't access the wisdom that comes from this pain

She spiritually bypasses her work again and again

She takes and she takes

She shows no remorse

She wants their
She wants their soft brown skin
She wants to drink in the honey suckle from their hands
She wants to know the lines of their grandmother's palms
She claims "womanhood"
She denies the ambient being, the energies inside us that batter back and forth
Not male, not female
She calls it "social justice warrior shit"
Ignores that the Cree were here before her

She is not the granddaughter of the witches they couldn't burn
She is the granddaughter of the man who lit the fucking match

Who pillaged our villages, stole our sisters, destroyed our lands

Stripped us of our land rights
Stripped us of our names
Residential schools and slavery
Shoving us into their modern European binaries-
One built on the backs of the stomped out earth religions of the Celts, and the little people who pebbled the frozen coasts

She is the jailer
The bounty hunter
The one who demanded the Chinese build her railroad

She created these borders
She divided us
She forgot we are still here

And she dares to teach about the magic of creation

When all she knows is how to destroy

Bite your tongue, witch
The earth remembers
And so do I

- Ally Lopez

Tip Ally for all their hardwork!: $allyjayne98

#blackgirlmagic #racism #whiteness #whitesupremacy #fuckracism #fuckwhiteness #anarchism #activism #karen

Last updated 1 year ago

Captain Aby Sparklepants · @aby
1127 followers · 3574 posts · Server aus.social
Captain Aby Sparklepants · @aby
1127 followers · 3568 posts · Server aus.social
Captain Aby Sparklepants · @aby
1123 followers · 3536 posts · Server aus.social

We do ourselves and our community a disservice when we ignore the oppressor within. Let it be freeing to know we all can and do harm. My identity doesnt protect me from supporting systems of oppression.

- Makia Green (Facebook)

#racism #whiteness #whitesupremacy #fuckracism #fuckwhiteness #anarchism #activism #aboriginal #indigenous #decolonise

Last updated 1 year ago

CygnusX11 :arch: :lxde: :fsf: · @cygnusx11
72 followers · 406 posts · Server fosstodon.org

@BlackAzizAnansi I heavily endorse this poll! Here is my tattoo to show my support! I also think there should be another option for “throat punch”


Last updated 1 year ago

Anti.:fuck_verify: · @antiall3s
200 followers · 480 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Rassismus am Gurtenfestival in Bern

"Was also ist geschehen? Es begann alles ganz nett und harmlos: Am Gurtenfestival hatte das Publikum die Wahl, das Depot der Mehrwegbecher entweder zu spenden oder ins nächste Getränk zu investieren. Dafür gab es – wie an grösseren Festivals üblich – ein Team, das der etwas undankbaren Aufgabe nachging, die Besucherinnen und Besucher zu fragen, ob man die Becher gerne dem guten Zweck stiften möchte. Die Einnahmen dieser Spenden kamen heuer dem Café Révolution zu, einem Begegnungsraum, in dem sich People of Color zum Thema Rassismus austauschen können, wo Lesungen oder Diskussionen stattfinden.

Dann war auf einmal Schluss mit nett und harmlos: Etwa in der Hälfte des Festivals beschlossen die Frauen, die den Stand betrieben hatten, den Gurten zu verlassen. In einem Statement gaben sie als Grund an, dass «das Ausmass der Gewalt und des Rassismus», mit dem man konfrontiert gewesen sei, die Grenze von dem überstiegen habe, was man dem Team zumuten wollte. Auf mehrmaliges Nachfragen wollte das Kollektiv keine weiteren Erklärungen abgeben.
Feindliche Stimmung

Aus dessen Umfeld war später zu erfahren, dass wiederholt das N-Wort gefallen sei, dass Becher vor die Füsse der Einsammlerinnen geworfen wurden, mit der Aufforderung, sie sollten sich die Spende verdienen. Es sind Teller gegen den Stand geflogen, und mindestens eine Person soll angespuckt worden sein. [...] Tatsache ist: Es muss eine Stimmung geherrscht haben, welche die Frauen dazu bewog, lieber auf Einnahmen des Standes zu verzichten, als länger an diesem Festival zu bleiben."

Schon die Idee, dass die Gruppe für die gespendet werden soll, auch die Einsammlung der Becher vollziehen sollte, war ein Setup. Aber diese Geschichte zeigt einmal mehr, die viel gelobte Festival-Kultur ist längst ein Sammelbecken für übelsten Hedonismus and reaktionärste Politik. Unsere direkten Nachbarn sind beides Immo-Arschgeigen und am Gurten Festival lassen sie jeweils die Sau raus.


#stfugurten #fuckracism #festivals #konsumorgien

Last updated 1 year ago

Captain Aby Sparklepants · @aby
1102 followers · 3479 posts · Server aus.social

Why are the guys who insist that racism doesn't exist in their country always from places that have literally seen ethnic cleansing and pogroms??

Like, my guy.. come on.

#replyguys #racism #whiteness #whitesupremacy #fuckracism #fuckwhiteness

Last updated 1 year ago

Captain Aby Sparklepants · @aby
1099 followers · 3469 posts · Server aus.social
Captain Aby Sparklepants · @aby
1087 followers · 3458 posts · Server aus.social

"We don't talk about race anymore, we use 'ethnicity' because there's no scientific basis for 'race' to exist..."

Sure, and by switching the rhetoric to ethnicity you're providing space for white people and especially white academia to dodge the consequence of creating 'race' through the toxicity of whiteness, so fucking stop.

#racism #whiteness #whitesupremacy #fuckracism #fuckwhiteness #anarchism #activism #academia

Last updated 1 year ago

Captain Aby Sparklepants · @aby
1087 followers · 3458 posts · Server aus.social

It's taken me decades to understand exactly how racist the white resentment of "walking on eggshells" about race is. Because quite a lot of it is founded on resentment of the appearance of POC walking easy in the same situation.

Y'all are okay with us walking on eggshells afraid the police will kill us, but you resent having to think carefully in social justice spaces where whiteness isn't centered?

We see you.

- Kat Tanaka Okopnik

#racism #whiteness #whitesupremacy #fuckracism #fuckwhiteness #anarchism #activism

Last updated 1 year ago

Captain Aby Sparklepants · @aby
1087 followers · 3456 posts · Server aus.social

Being okay with racism makes you a racist. In a fundamentally unequal society, there's little practical difference between hating POC and being wholly indifferent to their well-being.

- Heath Wong

#racism #whiteness #whitesupremacy #fuckracism #fuckwhiteness #anarchism #activism

Last updated 1 year ago

Captain Aby Sparklepants · @aby
1048 followers · 3350 posts · Server aus.social
Captain Aby Sparklepants · @aby
1030 followers · 3296 posts · Server aus.social