Gigi 🥚 · @Gigi
358 followers · 3548 posts · Server

I'm sure certain terfs and "media personalities" HATE seeing a court rule AGAIN that community protection overrides their hurt feelings.

On Friday, six of seven Supreme Court justices agreed the public interest in protecting Hansman's speech outweighed the public interest in remedying any harm to Neufeld's reputation.

Karakatsanis said Neufeld has suffered limited harm, was able to continue expressing his views and even won re-election over the course of the dispute, before he failed to be re-elected in 2022.

"The closer the expression lies to the core values of [freedom of speech], including truth‑seeking, participation in political decision-making and diversity in the forms of self‑fulfilment and human flourishing, the greater the public interest in protecting it," Karakatsanis wrote.

#canpoli #fucktransphobia #fuckhomophobes #fuckracists

Last updated 1 year ago

Gigi · @Gigi
324 followers · 2019 posts · Server

OMG how did I miss the tantrums inspired by being called "settler" and/or "colonizer"?

(We really need quote-toots. I question your commitment to making Mastodon a safe place for people if you honestly believe that they would be abused by the community.)

#QuoteToots #fuckracism #fuckracists

Last updated 2 years ago

Gigi · @Gigi
324 followers · 2000 posts · Server

Things White People*
Think Are "Racism":

Here are some of the things that I have witnessed white people call "racist".

▫️ Being called "white";
▫️ Being told that what they just said/did is racist;
▫️ Non-white people talking to other people about their racist interactions with them;
▫️ A person of colour being more intellectually agile than they are;
▫️ A non-white person being insufficiently obsequious to them;
▫️ Being told that they don't have experience dealing with racism;
▫️ A non-white person hurting their feelings;
▫️ Advocating for better treatment of non-white people;

Feel free to add your own.


#thatsnotracist #wypipo #fuckracism #fuckracists #fuckshitlibs #BlackMastodon #BlackMastadon #notallwhitepeople

Last updated 2 years ago

elegantwino · @elegantwino
203 followers · 181 posts · Server

Also in the San Antonio paper on the second page. Texas leads the U.S. in racist propaganda.

#txdeservesbetter #fuckracists

Last updated 2 years ago

Gigi · @Gigi
322 followers · 1966 posts · Server

My favourite part of dealing with "accidental" racists is:

When a WHITE person pipes up and says: "Yes, what you just said was, indeed, racist af," they apologize -- to the white person who points it out, not to the actual people they've been harassing.


#fuckracism #fuckracists #fuckshitlibs

Last updated 2 years ago

Upstart Crow · @UpstartCrow
556 followers · 1103 posts · Server

Quick Weasel 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈
Click to add note
Leftist, atheist, queer, gamer. Trans, genderqueer, GenX, OCD, PTSD, anxiety-ridden. , 3 dogs, 4 cats. She/her/they/them & sometimes he/him. I cuss often and vociferously. ...single, but just lost my partner to a blood clot. Born at 326.76ppm.

#Science #prochoice #longisland #anime #ffxiv #fuckracists #gamer #sff #scifi #doglover #catlover #miniaturepinschers #cw #SlavaUkraini #boost #followfriday #follow #following #altext

Last updated 2 years ago