Oh how beautiful the Enlightenment 🙄
"Thus the whole education of women must be carried out with regard to men. To please them, to be useful to them, to let themselves be loved and respected by them, to bring them up while they are young, to care for them as men, to advise them, to comfort them, to prepare a pleasant and sweet existence for them: these are the duties of women at all times, this is what they must be taught from childhood."--- J. J. Rousseau
When are we going to leave this bullshit behind?
#feminism #women #worldwomensday #enlightenment #emancipation #oppression #oppression #repression #Rousseau #FuckRousseau ðŸ¤
#feminism #women #worldwomensday #enlightenment #emancipation #oppression #repression #rousseau #fuckrousseau
Oh how beautiful the Enlightenment 🙄
"Thus the whole education of women must be carried out with regard to men. To please them, to be useful to them, to let themselves be loved and respected by them, to bring them up while they are young, to care for them as men, to advise them, to comfort them, to prepare a pleasant and sweet existence for them: these are the duties of women at all times, this is what they must be taught from childhood."--- J. J. Rousseau
When are we going to leave this bullshit behind?
#feminism #women #worldwomensday #enlightenment #emancipation #oppression #oppression #repression #Rousseau #FuckRousseau ðŸ¤
#feminism #women #worldwomensday #enlightenment #emancipation #oppression #repression #rousseau #fuckrousseau
Ach wie schön die Aufklärung 🙄
"So muß sich die ganze Erziehung der Frauen im Hinblick auf die Männer vollziehen. Ihnen gefallen, ihnen nützlich sein, sich von ihnen lieben und achten lassen, sie großziehen, solange sie jung sind, als Männer für sie sorgen, sie beraten, sie trösten, ihnen ein angenehmes und süßes Dasein bereiten: das sind die Pflichten der Frauen zu allen Zeiten, das ist es, was man sie von Kindheit an lehren muß" --- J. J. Rousseau
Wann lassen wir den Schwachsinn endlich hinter uns?
#Feminismus #Frauen #Weltfrauentag #Aufklärung #Aufklaerung #Erleuchtung #Emanzipation #Unterdrueckung #Unterdrückung #Repression #Rousseau #FuckRousseau ðŸ¤
#feminismus #frauen #Weltfrauentag #aufklarung #aufklaerung #Erleuchtung #emanzipation #unterdrueckung #unterdruckung #repression #rousseau #fuckrousseau