People forced to have babies they dont want should put any or all of those 6 Supreme Court Justices as preferred placement since they want them so much
But then again, that would be torture for those children to be looked after by such cunty people
Disgusting ruling by #SCOTUS
#AriMelber #msnbcnews #GOPieceOfShit #scotus #USAShitShow #supremecourt #usa #fuckscotus #discriminationallowingstraightsonly
Excellent article
I still cannot believe we are here. What a backward, racist, misogynistic, crazy, insane thing to tell women they have no rights
Threats of prison sentences and death penalties didnt work to stop abortion befofe and it won't stop it now. When the choices are having unwanted babies you cant afford, imprisonment, or death, that is not a choice at all.
This is not going to end the way you think it will, SCOTUS. Fascism is not a disease, it is the horrid love child of ignorance, hate, and fear.
Knowledge, resistance, and bravery are its antidotes. #fascism #abortionishealthcare #fuckscotus
#fascism #abortionishealthcare #fuckscotus
when my thoughts are literally murderous about the political upheavels in this country, shit is majorly fucked up
im honestly considering getting a gun for protection at this point
where does it fucking end?
#scotuscorruption #fuckscotus #fuckclarencethomas #fuckbigots #fucknazis #lgbtqia #abortion
#scotuscorruption #fuckscotus #fuckclarencethomas #fuckbigots #fucknazis #lgbtqia #abortion
Federalist believe everything should be like the founders wanted and what was meant back then.
Pretty obvious they're trying to remove all rights of women and put Black people in chains
already popping off fireworks here
yay, straight white men freedom
for you are the only ones that get to keep your rights
#july4th #fuckscotus #fuckbigots #fuckfascists
I think Peggy Gravel from John Waters movie 'Desperate Living' speaks for us all this morning. 😒
#iamdb #IllegitimateSCOTUS #fuckscotus #SCOTUS
When are we going to finally decide the supreme court is illegitimate and filled with corruption?
today's mood
Prophets of Rage - Unfuck The World (Music Video)
F**k the Supreme Court.
#SCOTUS is really on some shit.
I think this song is incredibly appropriate today.
#fuckscotus #scotus #fuckthisshit
Who needs clean water & air, right?? And if you don't like NY Times, just scroll on by because I do like NY Times and will post articles if I choose. Thank you.
"The Supreme Court on Thursday curtailed the Environmental Protection Agency’s authority to police water pollution, ruling that the Clean Water Act does not allow the agency to regulate discharges into some wetlands near bodies of water.
Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr., writing for five justices, held that the law covers only wetlands “with a continuous surface connection” to those waters.
The decision was a second major blow to the E.P.A.’s authority and to the power of administrative agencies generally. Last year, the court limited the E.P.A.’s power to address climate change under the Clean Air Act."
#FuckScotus #CleanWaterAct #CleanAirAct
#fuckscotus #CleanWaterAct #cleanairact
Blockbuster report from NY Times regarding leaks from SCOTUS on abortion and birth control. #FuckScotus