Czarna Rewolta · @czarnarewolta
90 followers · 317 posts · Server
Czarna Rewolta · @czarnarewolta
73 followers · 250 posts · Server
Jersey Counter-Info · @jerseycounterinfo
384 followers · 335 posts · Server


Last updated 2 years ago

szczur.jpg · @gregor_samsa
75 followers · 471 posts · Server

Society is fucked up.
Yes, I said it. Nothing new really. I just wanted to remind you that there is nothing wrong with being a different, more eccentric person. Social norms change and most people don't give a fuck if you go outside in flip-flops or not. Don't let anyone tell you how to live. Only you see the world with your eyes, only yourself live your life. Only you are you. There's only one of you. Don't forget this.

I am writing this because I have heard very unkind words about a completely harmless decision I have made. It stung me a bit, and in general I don't care about the words of people whose opinion means nothing to me.
Anyway, I thought maybe someone needed to hear it. There's nothing wrong with being yourself. Everything around it is a great social construct anyway.

Reject fucked up norms. Love thyself, you probavly have a lot of perfectly good qualities, despite flaws.
We are all flawed, that's the force that drives humanity around and beyond.

#fucksociety #anarchy #society #beyourself

Last updated 2 years ago

loom · @coconut_noodle
113 followers · 1269 posts · Server
M.E. Purfield - Author · @mepurfield
53 followers · 261 posts · Server

Another piece of crap that still won’t escape me. It was all around me, inflicted on me, through childhood. As an adult parents and society try to get me to join their tribe and do it.

No fucking way. I can’t control the world but I can control myself and make sure my kids don’t suffer like I did or, at least, make a safe space for them from the world that tries to do it.

#parenting #AutisticParents #actuallyautistic #anarchy #buddhism #fucksociety

Last updated 2 years ago

R. · @R_freeculture
14 followers · 91 posts · Server

@aworldinpages in other words, most of the society has stress, insecurities, anxiety, mental illness, do war, spy others, love material things, hate other living beings.

In all this years, most of the society doesn't know how to be happy, so how could they accept you if they can't accept themselves the way they are?

Be accepted by this society? they don't even know how to live their own lives! 🤣

#livefree #fucksociety

Last updated 2 years ago