I want to know what fuckhead mailing list I got into where I’m suddenly getting mailed #TERF shit.
I’d mail back vore porn but they want me to pay for the stamp.
To be clear: fuck you, Riley Gaines. Goddamned “pick me” fascist capo cunt.
#terf #fuckterfs #fuckrileygaines
Imma just throw this out there. When you are a regular content creator that makes regular content on a topic, and it is your shtick to stop in the video to point out some random thing (sometimes to feature a shopping item or something that is cool that is otherwise off-topic from your content), when that thing you point to in your video is your movie collection that happens to prominently feature your Harry Potter movie collection that you point out, I'm going to let you know that you're an asshole. Even if you've been living under a rock for the past many years and don't understand why celebrating Harry Potter is offensive, that doesn't absolve you from being an asshole. Ignorance does not making you unaccountable. It does mean you have a learning opportunity ahead of you. You don't always have to BE an asshole. If your content is otherwise worldly and astute then I'm going to assume it is willful ignorance on your part and I'm gonna drop you like a hot potato. Sorry not sorry. #FuckTERFs #FuckJKR
Well... in her defense, the one and only transphobic piece I came across from her was written in 2001 about five years prior to her book being released.
There has been a lot of hearts and minds of those who were once quite ugly toward us that have changed.
But still...
and #FuckTERFs
#fuckthepatriarchy #fucktransphobes #fuckterfs
This is an excellent video by Shaun explaining how the real motivating factor behind major transphobic activist Kelly Jay Keen/Posie Parker's activism is not any of the seemingly justifiable things she claims it is, but hate, why Nazis seem to support her constantly, and how her ideology itself seems to lead to, and have a lot of similarities with, Naziism. Also just how overtly violent, hateful, eliminationist, and ultimately genocidal and eugenicist her beliefs are. He did a fuckton of research, and for anyone who wants to understand TERFs, this is a very important piece of the puzzle.
#transrights #fuckterfs #trans
Re: the Mermaids v. Charity Commission judgement. Be very careful regarding any statements made by TERFs or TERF-aligned organisations. They have a history of cherry-picking one minor point that went slightly in their favour and blowing that up out of all proportion to obscure their losses.
#NicheThought The surname WINGARD referred to grape growers in 1200s England, also written as WYNYARD. So Wingardium Leviosa could have been a spell to lift up a glass of wine, or to harvest grapes. #AmResearching #EnglishSurnameBook #FuckTERFs #TransRights
#nichethought #amresearching #englishsurnamebook #fuckterfs #transrights
The number of trans people on here who experience harassment, misgendering, and other bullshit treatment outnumbers by a huge multiple how many admins there are on the entire fediverse.
Just sayin’ 💯🏳️⚧️
🌈 Have a #meme as we come to the end of Pride Month. 🌈
#LGBTQIA #Pride #QueerPride #BiPride #GayPride #Rainbow #Celebrate #FuckTERFS
#meme #LGBTQIA #pride #queerpride #bipride #gaypride #rainbow #celebrate #fuckterfs
…but then I walked a little bit by myself after she got on the ferry to Queens.
We agreed we’re still friends, but this already feels wrong. Did I make a mistake?
No. I just needed time to create the respected separation. I love my friend, but who wants to travel to Queens anyway? 🤭…and she is a dependable friend to this day. I’ve leaned on her quite a bit these last few days.
#PrideMonth #TransLove #Photography #NYC #Love #Equality #FuckTERFS
#pridemonth #translove #photography #nyc #love #equality #fuckterfs
Here you go folks.
This what 12,000 TERF social media accounts look like:
#fuckterfs #transrights #electronic #hyperpop #music
#fuckterfs #transrights #electronic #hyperpop #music
I don’t care if a TERF is a lesbian she doesn’t belong at pride 🤷🏻♂️
#pride #queer #trans #agender #fuckterfs
@lowqualityfacts It's not just conservatives 🤬
#TransRightsAreHumanRights #PrideMonth #FuckTERFs
#fuckterfs #pridemonth #transrightsarehumanrights
Just sent a message to Torrid corporate asking them to stop carrying Harry Potter merch to support transgender people. This probably won't do anything, but every time I look through stuff on their site and see another HP thing, it just brings me so down and it feels like a gut punch of bigotry. As a fat person who wears mostly women's clothes, Torrid is such an important source of clothing, and seeing the HP stuff just makes me want to spend my money somewhere else. It probably won't help, but I hope maybe somebody who matters might read my message and think about it. Sigh. #fuckTERFs #fatshion #PlusSize
#fuckterfs #fatshion #plussize
goooood morning!!!
y’all gender critical folks are getting more bold. Nazis are gathering in large groups around the country, and fascists government is coming after us. it’s been time that we build a space to protect and support Queer BIPoC folks. the future is bleak if we don’t respond.
#queer #trans #fuckTERFS #anarchy #buildourfuture #farmyourfuture #armyourself #armtranspeople #FuckTransphobes
#queer #trans #fuckterfs #anarchy #buildourfuture #farmyourfuture #armyourself #armtranspeople #fucktransphobes
Great. I see terfs are now taking photos of people in public toilets now.
#Tankie #Tankies #CursedTankieOpinions #FuckTerfs #NoTerfs ran into this little bundle of joy on the #birdsite
Typical Tankie terf shit. Just remember we're all degenerates to them. calls himself Lenin. tsk tsk tsk
#tankie #tankies #cursedtankieopinions #fuckterfs #noTerfs #birdsite
Last week, community activists in #AustinTX organized against an anti-#trans/#TERF organization, successfully ousting them from three separate event venues and dramatically limiting their reach. While we were unable to get their events canceled, when threatened they ended up moving from trying to rent movie theaters and coworking spaces to getting space from fascist right-wing think-tanks instead. They held a rally at the Capitol on Friday where they rented a stage and soundsystem and about a dozen people showed up (which includes them and their security detail).
I won't name the org publicly as they don't deserve the oxygen, but happy to discuss privately.
To celebrate the community's hard work, and to rub the TERFs nose in it a bit more, I set up a fundraiser on Facebook (it was the easiest way to directly collect for a nonprofit and track donations, I'll look for other solutions in the future). We successfully raised over $1,100 for OUT Youth, an #Austin org which supports trans #queer and gender nonconforming young folks.
Anyway, fuck TERFs. They are fascists in slightly different costumes and team up with the regular kind at the drop of a hat. When they come to your town, make their lives miserable when you can't chase them out entirely.
If you're inspired to donate too, you can do so here: https://www.outyouth.org/donate/
#FCKNZS #FuckTERFs #LGBTQIA+ #transgender #transphobia #activism #organizing #Texas
#austintx #trans #austin #queer #fcknzs #fuckterfs #lgbtqia #transgender #transphobia #activism #Organizing #texas