Negative again on today's rapid test, though the headache and fatigue are still going strong. If I'm negative tomorrow, I should be able to spring myself from isolation without worrying too much about infecting others. Several weeks of low activity/rest planned to give my body time to fully recover from the last almost 3 weeks of fighting COVID. This isn't a cold, the flu, or mild. 3 years of research all leading to the same conclusion - do everything you can to limit how many times you get this. One in ten infections leads to long COVID/ potentially life-changing issues (and not in a good way). #covidisnotover #covid #covidisavasculardisease #covi̇d19 #fuckcovid19 #fuckminimizers #fuckthenewnormal
#CovidIsNotOver #covid #covidisavasculardisease #covid19 #fuckcovid19 #fuckminimizers #fuckthenewnormal