If you’ve ever donated to The #SatanicTemple thinking it would be used to protect #AbortionRights, or even to keep the lights on, there’s a nonzero chance that money is actually being used to bankroll legal threats against people who criticize them on TikTok or Facebook
See this video of #TheSatanicHousewife, for example:
#satanictemple #abortionrights #thesatanichousewife #fuckthesatanictemple
Jumping out of the shield of CWs for a moment, we need to make sure you caught that in the proceeding post.
In the middle of all of that stuff trying to correct how poorly #TheSatanicTemple misunderstands (or pretends to) the way social media works, we were able to present for the first time that The Satanic Temple has been suing us for more than two and a half years over a Facebook page that TST's local reps said in writing privately then again in front of the entire chapter *TST did not own or want anymore*
Think about how much money, vitriol, and other resources have been devoted to crushing us, how it could better have been allocated, and then remember that The Satanic Temple knew or has no excuse for not knowing that even their flimsiest of pretenses was fraudulent.
These fucking ghouls.
These malicious, incompetent grifter rat bastards.
#thesatanictemple #fuckthesatanictemple
December 1, 2022 - The Satanic Temple is very bad at court cases
Case details/links
The same information but presented by month
#TheSatanicTemple #TheSatanicTempleIsVeryBadAtCourtCases #TST #TheSatanicTempleInc #UnitedFederationOfChurchesLLC #FuckTheSatanicTemple
#thesatanictemple #thesatanictempleisverybadatcourtcases #tst #thesatanictempleinc #unitedfederationofchurchesllc #fuckthesatanictemple
December 1, 2022 - The Satanic Temple is very bad at court cases
Case details/links
The same information but presented by month
#TheSatanicTemple #TheSatanicTempleIsBadAtCourtCases #TST #TheSatanicTempleInc #UnitedFederationOfChurchesLLC #FuckTheSatanicTemple
#thesatanictemple #thesatanictempleisbadatcourtcases #tst #thesatanictempleinc #unitedfederationofchurchesllc #fuckthesatanictemple
> The implication of her statements is that the video she posted on June 17, 2022
was coerced.
Yeah, no shit.
#TheSatanicTemple said that if a TikToker didn't read their fucking retraction verbatim, they were going to sue her.
She recorded it, and they still sued her.
#thesatanictemple #fuckthesatanictemple