SDF made this request of mine as not only as an homage to cosine but to express my distaste of tumblr's banning of nsfw material. It's almost 2 years and fumblr has become the walking dead.
#okko #wilhamena #manchinlow #cosine #fucktumblr
#okko #wilhamena #manchinlow #cosine #fucktumblr
@Harper_Enchantrix @DuchessWillow
I have full on penis in vagina, bodily fluids, the works, on my personal account, and it's still up. And yes we adhere to LDW standards as far as adult content, so we didn't even post anything except *clutches pearls* nipples and buttcracks with hole covered, and tasteful adult content. And got a hand smack and stripped of content and our archives don't even work. #FuckTumblr
@PonkoSFM The sad thing is that we're going to have to duplicate our galleries. #fucktumblr indeed. BTW, I returned there and am now an unperson. It's saddening but at least the links still work. :)
BTW, thanks for your patience while I get things in order. Regular stuff should be returning soon. Not to rant, but this tumblr stuff has put me at least a week (if not two) behind. #fucktumblr
I so do love not being shadow-banned. It's almost like I can grow a following.
Send me direct messages if you have questions about my work, characters and settings. I love interacting with people.
#tumblr #fucktumblr #scifi #loli #brightfuture #ziggurat
#fucktumblr #scifi #loli #brightfuture #tumblr #ziggurat