Ładne fuckupowe combo dzisiaj przy gotowaniu obiadu.
Najpierw przy wyciąganiu składników z lodówki strąciłem z półki i stłukłem słoik z sałatka z czerwonej kapusty. „Dzięki” temu straciłem sporo czasu sprzątając kapustę i szkło.
A gdy po maksymalnym spięciu prawie się wyrobiłem na czas, okazało się, że wstawiając ryż nie pstryknąłem przełącznika ryżowaru i zamiast gotować tylko podgrzewał. I jednak obiad będzie po czasie. Sporo.
#fuckup #kuchnia #obiad #FediGotuje #FediBałaganiISięSpóźnia
#fedibalaganiisiespoznia #fedigotuje #obiad #Kuchnia #fuckup
Lieve mensen van de NOS,
Ik denk niet dat ze het bij Sparta erg leuk vinden dat hun logo zo goed in beeld is.....
#fuckup #oops #nos #davidmendesdasilva
Great. How about THAT one? 🤡
search for "employees" - page 227, scroll two pages back and start @ page 225 - all the stuff revolving around the midget's meddling.
Brilliant #FUCKUP. We really need a revival of the midget's intrusions. Be the midget! Be the sand in the engine! Fuck it up! 🥳
search for "employees" - page 227, scroll two pages back and start @ page 225 - all the stuff revolving around the midget's meddling.
Brilliant #FUCKUP. We really need a revival of the midget's intrusions. Be the midget! Be the sand in the engine! Fuck it up! 🥳
A followup to this #horrific thread on a huge medical-privacy #fuckup in #Canada ...
The #pharmacy #chain in question, which is happy to give both your #prescription (and presumably #vaccination) #records to pretty much anyone who wants them, in addition to letting them see when your prescriptions are eligible for refill, order those refills, and turn on OR OFF automatic fills for your prescripts is ...
Shoppers' Drug Mart.
#horrific #fuckup #canada #pharmacy #chain #prescription #vaccination #records #shoppers #shoppersdrugmart
For those of you who are unfamiliar with George Orwell's Animal Farm here's a quote from Wikipedia about the novella...
"It tells the story of a group of farm animals who rebel against their human farmer, hoping to create a society where the animals can be equal, free, and happy. Ultimately, the rebellion is betrayed, and under the dictatorship of a pig named Napoleon, the farm ends up in a state as bad as it was before."
#mastodon #authoritarianism #fuckup #blunder #fedi
Here's an archived link to Eugene Rochko's power grab. Just in case...
#authoritarianism #fuckup #blunder #fedi #mastodon
Яндекс тут решил устроить форменный пиздец со своим приложением почты.
Теперь раз в N запусков отображается баннер на весь экран с рекламой платной подписки.
- Кнопка отмены не влезает в экран
- Да даже кнопка подписки не до конца влезает
- Системное "назад" выходит из приложения
- При следующем запуске баннер появляется снова
- Если прибить приложение - несколько запусков будет без баннера. Пока он снова не отобразится и убрать его не убивая будет нельзя.
Из Яндекса ушли все тестировщики? Или все нормальные разработчики под Android?
#Yandex #Android #soft #dev #shit #bugs #log #mail #fuckup #ad #marketing
#yandex #android #soft #dev #shit #bugs #log #mail #fuckup #ad #marketing
I'm feeling very lucky at the moment. My instance @mastodon.au have increased us to 2000 characters.
I believe every group of living beings should have a collective noun.
Please add your thoughts as they occur and see if you can assist my #gofundme
My first thoughts are:
A #riot of #environmental #activists.
A #shitfight of #politicians.
A #vadge of female #mining #magnates.
A #destruction of #coal #miners
A #cacaphony of mall #shoppers.
A #misery of #wildlife #carers.
A #fuckup of #farmers
A #quietly of #librarians
A #fuckyou of #police #officers
A #murder of #Adelaide #Crows #Fans
Give a chance to #Australia's #kangaroos before our #environmentally #destructive #fharmers and/or #farmers kill them all.
#gofundme #riot #environmental #activists #shitfight #politicians #vadge #mining #magnates #destruction #coal #miners #cacaphony #shoppers #misery #wildlife #carers #fuckup #farmers #quietly #librarians #fuckyou #police #officers #murder #adelaide #crows #fans #australia #kangaroos #environmentally #destructive #fharmers #kangaroosofmastodon
like if you're just boppin' along with your #PhD doin' #philosophy and loving the #academia lifestyle but then when no one's looking you write something totally amazing like 'cartesian dualism is ableist' then your doctorate should be sent to a review board consisting of angry grandmas just shaking their heads in disappointment
first #fuckup is just the head-shake, a #grandma warning
second fuckup is you get busted down to a Masters degree like a dipshit
#phd #philosophy #academia #fuckup #grandma
Fair warning for those in #NZ who are #building or #rennovating.
Don't go with Tasman Windows. We went with them and got #BotchitAndScarper as a result.
They didn't measure correctly, cut corners at every oportunity and drilled right through the #JibBoard, requiring additional fees to be paid to fix their #fuckup.
#nz #building #rennovating #botchitandscarper #jibboard #fuckup #NZTwits #rant #newzealand #aotearoa
Trump Gets Famous Founding Father’s Quote Wrong in Angry Thanksgiving Pity Party: ‘Give Me Freedom or Give Me Death’
#donaldtrump #thanksgiving #foundingfathers #fuckup
#donaldtrump #thanksgiving #foundingfathers #fuckup
Don’t focus on your current fuckups, focus on your future fuckups.
What a lesson learned today for me… #fuckup
And after soldering everything... I noticed I compiled the source code for ATTiny85 and not 45.
#fuckup #modchip #playstation
@bob the #mainstreaming funding of the #fedivers is already completely dominated by the #EU all the big projects are funded by #NGI
This is more #fuckup than conspiracy though am shore conspiracy is growing as people see the levers of power and control which comes with money agenda.
It's an "invisible" hot war, standing aside is not an option.
#mainstreaming #fedivers #eu #ngi #fuckup
Looking for a reference to the #ElizaEffect for a discussion with my students (founded), I come across this huge list of fictional #computers
#fiction #computer
Even just the names...
#TheEngine #GamesMachine #TheBrain #Joe #TheMachines #MARAX #EPICAC #EMSIAC #ThePrimeRadiant #MarkV #Karl #Mima #Gold #Bossy #TheCityFathers #Multivac #TheCentralComputer #Miniac #ThirdFleet-ArmyForceBrain #Microvac #GalacticAC #UniversalAC #CosmicAC #AC #Vulcan2Vulcan3 #GreatCoordinatorRobot-Regent #Merlin #Simulacron-3 #GENiE #Muddlehead #ColossusGuardian #FrostSolComDivComBeta #MycroftHolmes #TheOx #Supreme #WESCAC #TheBrain #Moxon #LittleBrother #AM #TheBerserkers #(unnamedcomputer) #HAL9000 #Shalmaneser #TänkandeAugust #TheThinker #Project79 #ARDNEH #Fess #UniComp #T.E.N.C.H.889B #Maxine #Müller-Fokkercomputertapes #HARLIE #TECT #Dora #Minerva #PallasAthena #Proteus #Extro #FUCKUP #UNITRACK #Peerssa #P-1 #CentralComputer #Domino #Obie #WellWorld #SigfridvonShrinkAlbertEinsteinPolymat #TOTAL #ZORACVISARJEVEX #TheHitchhiker'sGuidetotheGalaxy #DeepThought #EarthEarth2.0DeepThoughtDeepThought #Eddie #Spartacus #SUM #AIVAS #GolemXIV #TECTTECTinthenameoftheRepresentative #VALIS #Hactar #Shirka #SAL9000 #Kendy #BC #(unnamedintelligence)
#bc #Kendy #SAL9000 #Shirka #Hactar #VALIS #TECTTECTinthenameoftheRepresentative #GolemXIV #AIVAS #SUM #Spartacus #eddie #EarthEarth2 #deepthought #TheHitchhiker #ZORACVISARJEVEX #total #SigfridvonShrinkAlbertEinsteinPolymat #WellWorld #Obie #domino #CentralComputer #p #Peerssa #UNITRACK #fuckup #Extro #Proteus #PallasAthena #minerva #dora #tect #HARLIE #müller #Maxine #t #unicomp #Fess #ARDNEH #Project79 #thethinker #TänkandeAugust #Shalmaneser #hal9000 #TheBerserkers #am #littlebrother #Moxon #WESCAC #supreme #TheOx #MycroftHolmes #FrostSolComDivComBeta #ColossusGuardian #Muddlehead #genie #Simulacron #merlin #GreatCoordinatorRobot #Vulcan2Vulcan3 #ac #CosmicAC #UniversalAC #GalacticAC #Microvac #ThirdFleet #Miniac #TheCentralComputer #Multivac #TheCityFathers #Bossy #gold #mima #karl #MarkV #ThePrimeRadiant #EMSIAC #EPICAC #MARAX #TheMachines #joe #thebrain #GamesMachine #TheEngine #computer #fiction #computers #ElizaEffect
Ich finde es gut das ich meinen Medienblog dazu eingeladen habe nicht bei Updates zu tröten.
Nunja, das scheint dem wohl entgangen zu sein.
Auf jeden Fall ist endlich der grausame Rechtschreib-Fuckup aus der Beschreibung raus.