Nevada giving millions in taxpayer money to fund a billionaire’s ballpark? Ok then. Have fun with that. What a waste.
#OaklandAs #mlb #fuckvegas #fisherout #selltheteam
I am so sorry I couldn’t make the #ReverseBoycott last night but so, so proud of the 28,000 A’s fans who showed up on a Tuesday night to remind John Fisher that he’s an asshole with no soul. And also to let the rookies know what it’s like when the Coliseum is rocking. It’s incomparable. I’m so sad to have missed this… but I’m glad it happened. Sell the fucking team you shitbags. #SellTheTeam #FisherOut #FuckVegas #FuckBillionaires #LetsGoOakland #OaklandAs #MLB
#reverseboycott #selltheteam #fisherout #fuckvegas #fuckbillionaires #letsgooakland #OaklandAs #mlb