Wow, really? Good job, Ye. This is what happens when you spread vile antisemitism to your fans. #fuckye #fuckkanye #fuckantisemitism #democracy #democracymatters #freespeechhasconsequences
#freespeechhasconsequences #DemocracyMatters #democracy #fuckantisemitism #fuckkanye #fuckye
Wow, really? Good job, Ye. This is what happens when you spread vile antisemitism to your fans. #fuckye #fuckkanye #fuckantisemitism #democracy #democracymatters #freespeechhasconsequences
#freespeechhasconsequences #DemocracyMatters #democracy #fuckantisemitism #fuckkanye #fuckye
80yrs ago a future #President looked at the #horror and carnage the #Nazis wrought upon millions.
They are an embodiment of #Evil and seeing any #Good in the hate and murder spewed is dangerous and disingenuous.
We all need to #BeBetter
#standagainsthate #bebetter #FuckElon #fuckye #good #evil #nazis #horror #president
So now kanye is going full Nazi.
Praises Hitler.
Enough, already.
#fuckKanye #FuckYe #Kanye #Ye FuckElon too for enabliing them