czbr · @czbr
11 followers · 73 posts · Server

sad day. read some . took all my coins from exchange. weak monky afraid bear market :/. I’m so sorry

#fud #CZ #crypro #btc

Last updated 1 year ago

Kevin Karhan :verified: · @kkarhan
1474 followers · 106397 posts · Server

@Hans @marthadear warum ist das eine Diskussion in meinen DMs???

Dazu habe ich bereits alles gesagt:

Wenn mensch der Ansicht ist dass Petitionen gegen einen verwendet werden, dann sollte jene Person vielleicht elementarere Fragen stellen.

Alles andere ist entweder , oder spielen...

#nutzlicheridiot #defaitismus #fud

Last updated 1 year ago

Reach for the Stars :verified: · @antares
201 followers · 836 posts · Server

Ok, Let’s talk about Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles () as an alternative to Battery Electric Vehicles ().

A FCEV uses the same electric motors as BEVs but gets its power from chemically reacting H₂ with O₂ from the air in a way that produces an electric current - a fuel cell. None of this is new technology Fuel Cells were a mature and reliable power source by the time the Apollo program was landing people on the moon. The issue with fuel cells is the same as with Enteral Combustion Engines(ICE) they are most efficient in a very narrow energy band great if the goal is to power the life support on a space craft, but not for the extremely variable loads needed to drive a car.

For this reason, FCEVs are hybrids with the same Li batteries as BEVs and ICE Hybrids like the Prius. Like ICE Hybrids they use the battery to accelerate and as storage for regenerative breaking with the fuel cell providing a constant recharge.

Why I’m skeptical of FCEVs

1) Greenwashing Hydrogen. FCEV advocates will point out that the only tailpipe emission is water vapor. The question is where does the hydrogen come from. By far the least expensive way to produce hydrogen gas is to crack the hydrogen atoms off of petrochemical hydrocarbons. As a mater of basic chemistry it takes far less energy to crack hydrocarbons than it does to electrolize water. And unlike the electrical grid where technologies like solar, wind and nuclear are already deployed and becoming an increasing share of our electric grid. Processes to produce hydrogen from water at anything close the the cost to strip it off fossil fuels is in the same development stage as cold fusion. at least for the next decade green hydrogen will be a premium product only available to the wealthiest buyers.

2) Hydrogen storage is hard. To fit enough hydrogen on a moving passenger car for it to have a 300 mile range requires pressures of 10,000psi (700 bar). The kinds of pressure vessels that can safely handle that pressure are expensive, and need regular inspection. Having had to keep a compressed air tank of just 200 psi in a fixed certified, I can tell you that there will be significant costs to regularly inspecting a 10,000 psi tank full of flammable gas that needs to survive a collision with one of the 2023 lineup of full sized puck up trucks.

But that is just the start. Hydrogen leaks. No matter how good you think your valves and fittings are the smallest molecule in the universe stored under huge pressure will find a way out. Ask anyone who has experience in the space industry where hydrogen is already the fuel of choice and they will tell you that hydrogen leaks are just a fact that has to be engineered around. On a vehicle this will be a small annoyance but at a fueling station this will be significant. The farther Hydrogen is transported and the longer it must be stored the higher the losses. There is also the energy factor of compressing that gas. To the best of my knowledge the prodigious amount of work done to pressurize the fuel is never recovered

FCEVs and BEVs both started to be produced about a decade ago, and while Tesla has scaled out its supercharger network world wide in that time. Hydrogen has less than 100 filling stations all in California. While these stations can fill a car in 5 minutes, they can only fill 2 to 5 vehicles before spending an hour refilling their high pressure storage tanks. One could argue that all Hydrogen needs is an eccentric billionaire ready to lose money for a decade building out infrastructure, however I think the infrastructure challenges with hydrogen exceed even Musk levels of ambition.

3) Cost. My M3 already costs noticeably less per mile that the equivalent ICE vehicle. Baring a huge technological leap, hydrogen will always be more expensive. because the least expensive hydrogen is processed out of the same fuel that runs ICE cars and provides less energy per molecule than those hydrocarbons when reacted with O₂ hydrogen cannot help but be a more expensive fuel.

So why are hydrogen FCEV still a thing? Well the vehicles are lighter, fueling times are comparable to gasoline, and the petrochemical industry is desperate for them to succeed. The oil industry can see the writing on the wall as states like California will ban new ICE vehicle sales in 2030. While holding out hope for a green hydrogen future a generation away, they can continue to have a market for their product as gasoline and diesel phase out. “Hydrogen will become the green fuel of the future” explain their sock puppets knowing that dirty hydrogen from their product will always have a price advantage. And to be fair, turning a mobile source into a point source of emissions does provide the opportunity for carbon capture (so called Blue Hydrogen), but all this still add even more cost while BEVs already have a price advantage in their fuel - not to mention that every home in the developed world has the infrastructure to charge BEVs.

Why write all this? Because when you get down to it most of the being spread around s is coming from FCEV advocates who are trying not to let hydrogen become the betamax of the transition away from ICE transportation. In doing so they are making it harder than necessary for the world to move away from ICE transportation.



#bev #fud #climatecrisis #tesla #toyota #hydrogen #fcev #greenhydrogen #ev #bluehydrogen #fossilefuel #greenwashing #mirai #electrolysis

Last updated 1 year ago

Reach for the Stars :verified: · @antares
200 followers · 824 posts · Server

Yes, I do love my M3 LR. Yes, it is a viable car for both daily commuting and longer road trips. No it is not the perfect car, but neither was the Nissan Versa it replaced. No, I don’t agree with everything Elon Musk does, but neither do I agree with everything Carlos Ghosn the former CEO of Nissan did.

I am here to tell you that almost all the coming out about is completely unfounded. My M3 is better than my old Versa in just about every way you could imagine. Some thing are different, but those differences are far from deal breaking. Don’t let the luddites tell you technology is not a viable transportation option or that it cannot be widely adopted. I am here to tell you that it works, and I am not alone.

#fud #ev #tesla #bev

Last updated 1 year ago

Kevin Karhan :verified: · @kkarhan
1464 followers · 105744 posts · Server

@kayssun Was wenn mensch denen erklärt dass es sehr viele Kuchenrezepte gibt die per Definition sind?

Das ist genauso wie der bzgl. : Wenn Leute wüssten was legal schon immer in Backwaren durfte dann würden Backer*innen nicht damit werben dass deren Sortiment "insektenfrei" ist...

*innen sind einfach nur beschissen - selbst die militantesten Veganer*innen sind dagegen erträglich...

#antiveganer #insekten #fud #Vegan

Last updated 1 year ago

Kevin Karhan :verified: · @kkarhan
1443 followers · 103033 posts · Server

@Mela Gute Frage...

Der - Blödsinn geht soweit dass sogar die Bäckerei um die Ecke damit wirbt, keine Insekten zu verarbeiten...

Ist besonders lustig wenn das dann irgendwelche Kundinnen gut finden die sich literally mit zerstampften Insekten ie Lippen gefärbt haben...


Last updated 1 year ago

Kevin Karhan :verified: · @kkarhan
1424 followers · 100798 posts · Server

@hig @gavinkarlmeier der hat auch gegen :mastodon: & :fediverse: gepushed und Links zu und as blockiert.

#Malware #fud

Last updated 1 year ago

Kevin Karhan :verified: · @kkarhan
1406 followers · 98137 posts · Server

@vfrmedia @chris @Crispius @ProPublica I just don't DIY guns myself out of principle as I know this would be weaponized for future and and being convicted of a felony would result in self-inflicted unemployability and 0 entitlement to benefits.

#fud #copaganda

Last updated 1 year ago

geekandi · @geekandi
34 followers · 504 posts · Server

Absolute and bullshit

I pay $0.065/kWh and even a full 0-100% charge is under $5.00

Even paying my normal rates if $0.112/kWh is under $8.00

Horrible reporting and perceived truth of lies going on here


Last updated 1 year ago

Pavel · @pavel
372 followers · 2698 posts · Server

Začátek Milénia: Ten internet je strašný nástroj! Můžeš na něm najít třeba i návod na výrobu bomby!

Rok 2023:

Stinná stránka umělé inteligence. Poradí s výrobou drog i bomby - Novinky

#novinky #novinkycz #ai #fud

Last updated 1 year ago

Not Rappaport · @NotRappaport
116 followers · 590 posts · Server

No, US Offshore Wind Developers Aren’t Killing Whales, & Haven’t Been Given Permits To Do So

Thinking globally and preventing action locally is the rallying cry of soulful

By Michael Barnard

#nimbys #renewables #Wind #fud #disinformation

Last updated 1 year ago

Kevin Karhan :verified: · @kkarhan
1344 followers · 93449 posts · Server

Since 's devices are literally designed to be , I do think it's safe to assume if not demand that having parts from a donor machine should allow one to fix an issue...

Just like on any major brand laptop.

Even and it's with their -based for that literally bricks and remote/headless/timer-based booting don't literally lock up unbootable if you were to take a differen ProBook's RAM sticks, WIFI, WWAN, SSD, Keyboard, Screen.

#pxe #ram #vendorlock #fud #laptops #probook #hp #fragile #Apple

Last updated 1 year ago

· @jtb
23 followers · 432 posts · Server

I think I will just wait for the to settle and see what actually happens.

#fud #google #webenvironmentintegrity

Last updated 1 year ago

Kevin Karhan :verified: · @kkarhan
1316 followers · 89802 posts · Server

@FinalOverdrive @rechelon yeah...

With the lack of and comes the incapability to in a meaningful way without being snooped on by , , and/or whoever else.

Plus there was big against using and posting stuff.

#SocialMedia #fud #Schools #parents #cops #organize #medialiteracy #techliteracy

Last updated 1 year ago

Joe in Klingon :klingon: · @KlingonJoe
6 followers · 104 posts · Server

Bränden umzugehen“, ."

Unfortunately, I am unable to provide a translation into Klingon as it is not a supported language.

#ElectricCars #fud

Last updated 1 year ago

Joe Steinbring :thisisfine: · @joe
541 followers · 5822 posts · Server

I'm sure the safer thing to do if you're worried about car fires is to put a 30 gallon sealed container full of highly combustible liquid into your vehicle and wire it up to explode repeatedly, four feet in front of where you sit. 👍

“If there’s two electrical vehicle charging stations that get put in, maybe they’re nearest to the entrance and we make sure there’s a fire suppression system that’s robust enough to handle those types of fires,”

#EVs #ElectricCars #fud

Last updated 1 year ago

Kevin Karhan :verified: · @kkarhan
1293 followers · 87182 posts · Server

@cypnk Not really, as it's not as fungible as , but also perishable and has a poor density when it comes to value per weight / volume.

But then again the same applies for banknotes which are so powerful, 'sters are the reason the €500 banknkte is being pulled fron circulation.

#fud #euro #monero

Last updated 1 year ago

JonasR · @JonasR
87 followers · 823 posts · Server
CryptoNewsBot · @cryptonewsbot
655 followers · 33150 posts · Server

Binance US Reacts to Bitcoin Cash FUD, Assures Users Their Funds Are Safe - Binance’s U.S. platform has rejected rumors regarding its bitcoin cash (BCH) reser... - .us

#fud #bch #flows #rumors #wallets #reserves #holdings #exchange #exchanges #binance #bitcoincash #cryptoexchange

Last updated 1 year ago

tTh · @tth
222 followers · 1278 posts · Server

@matthieu @gegeweb faut aller raler sur


Last updated 1 year ago