#Ozone - a re-occuring issue in #atmochem, re-increasing at many places & a #SLCF
We are after this in 🇩🇪 with the @LfULG@twitter.com but also in #China in collaboration w Profs Li Xiang & Chen Jianmin of #Fudan University where I am a Prof as
@PNASNexus@twitter.com paper = https://academic.oup.com/pnasnexus/article/1/5/pgac266/6832789?login=false
#ozone #atmochem #slcf #china #fudan
#Chine, traduc : "Transféré de Huzhou Laofei, Hier soir à #Shanghai, deux professeurs de l'école de journalisme #Fudan ont affronté la police pour protéger leurs étudiants de l'arrestation.
#liberté #expression #stand
#chine #shanghai #fudan #liberte #expression #stand
Transferred from Huzhou Laofei
Last night in #Shanghai, two professors from #Fudan School of Journalism confronted the police to protect their students from arrest.
#liberdade #expressão #stand
#shanghai #fudan #liberdade #expressao #stand