"Asked if there are people who really know everything that happened, Buitrago and Beristain replied in unison: 'Yes, a lot.'"
#mexico #ayotzinapa #guerrero #fueelestado
Yesterday, the Interdisciplinary Group of Independent Experts (GIEI) presented their sixth and final report on the 2014 disappearance of the 43 students from Ayotzinapa.
Blocked by the government from completing a full investigation, they nonetheless concluded that "everyone collaborated" in the disappearance, including the Ministry of National Defense, the Ministry of the Navy, the Center of Investigation and National Security, the municipal, state, federal, ministerial, and transit police, and other state institutions.
#mexico #guerrero #ayotzinapa #GIEI #fueelestado
RT @ozorrillo
La vida es tan ligera, irresponsable e indolente en la #4T. #FueElEstado / @adan_augusto se placea, bromea y evade tragedia migrante - https://reforma.com/dcJw1r
#Messico | 25 anni fa, il #22dicembre del 1997 ad #Acteal, 45 persone in maggioranza donne e bambini dell'organizzazione pacifista Las Abejas legati all' #EZLN vengono massacrati dai paramilitari vincolati al PRI mentre a poca distanza l'esercito osserva.
#fueelestado #ezln #acteal #22dicembre #messico
On July 31, 2015, Nadia Vera Pérez, Yesenia Quiroz Alfaro, Mile Virginia Martín, Olivia Alejandra Negrete Avilés, and Rubén Espinosa Becerril, were murdered in a Mexico City apartment.
Nadia, a social justice organizer and human rights defender, and Rubén, a photographer and journalist, had both fled the state of Veracruz after receiving death threats for their work.
Several years ago, I began a correspondence with Nadia Vera's mother, Mirtha, after translating a letter/poem written by her marking one year since the killing of her daughter. That translation, along with an introduction, appears in @cbmilstein's powerful anthology, "Rebellious Mourning: The Collective Work of Grief" (https://www.akpress.org/rebellious-mourning.html).
Recently, Mirtha reached out to call my attention to a new documentary on the killings, now streaming on Netflix: "In Broad Daylight: The Narvarte Case" (también disponible en español bajo el título "A plena luz: El caso Narvarte"). Still seeking justice for her daughter more than seven years later, she has asked folks to watch and to help spread the word about the documentary.
#mexico #cdmx #fueelestado #justicia
En el caso de #Ayotzinapa, las autoridades federales resultaron ser nefastas, mentirosas, cínicas y encubridoras de los culpables verde olivo y demás responsables del sexenio pasado (una muestra en nyti.ms/3TQjB5u)
#ayotzinapa #fueelestado #inktoberRebelde #28octubre
En el caso de #Ayotzinapa, las autoridades federales resultaron ser nefastas, mentirosas, cínicas y encubridoras de los culpables verde olivo y demás responsables del sexenio pasado (una muestra en nyti.ms/3TQjB5u)
#ayotzinapa #fueelestado #inktoberRebelde #28octubre
En la desaparición forzada de estudiantes de la Escuela Normal Rural "Raúl Isidro Burgos" #FueElEstado
En la desaparición forzada de estudiantes de la Escuela Normal Rural "Raúl Isidro Burgos" #FueElEstado
RT @VIM_Media@twitter.com
#Mexico Normalista students continue to be repressed around the country! “43 reasons to keep fighting” seen in Mexico City. ❤️🖤💥✊🏿#FueElEstado
RT @Grafica_Antifa@twitter.com
Vivos se los llevaron, vivos los queremos! 43 Presentes!
#Ayotzinapa #Ayotzinapa8años #AyotzinapaVive #AyotzinapaNoSeOlvida #MemoriayJusticia #26deSeptiembre #EstadoAsesino #FueElestado #FueElejercito #MemoriaYRevuelta #GraficaAntifascista #Antifa #Antifascismo #Antiracismo #ACAB https://t.co/KCYujwHMgK
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Grafica_Antifa/status/1574555123719622657
#ayotzinapa #ayotzinapa8anos #ayotzinapavive #AyotzinapaNoSeOlvida #MemoriaYJusticia #26DeSeptiembre #estadoasesino #fueelestado #fueelejercito #memoriayrevuelta #graficaantifascista #antifa #antifascismo #antiracismo #acab
RT @Avispa_Midia@twitter.com
Avanza hacia el zócalo en #CDMX la movilización por los 43 estudiantes de #Ayotzinapa a 8 años de su desaparición. Se responsabiliza al #FueElEjército #FueElEstado
#fueelestado #FueElEjército #ayotzinapa #cdmx
RT @VIM_Media@twitter.com
The Mexican government has finally confirmed that the kidnapping of 43 Ayotzinapa normalista students was State-sponsored. Mexican military & federal police worked with local law enforcement officials & drug cartels to forcibly disappear radical college students! #FueElEstado😡🧵 https://t.co/RQyfjwIRZQ