I’m kinda obsessed with #CabView train videos on Youtube, aka #Führerstandsmitfahrt. I find that cruising down a scenic railway is just enough visual content to help me stay focused on work (which involves my ears) without feeling the need to look down at my phone. Anyways, the YT algorithm has learned to keep suggesting more and more train content and today I found an excellent new channel to subscribe to: https://www.youtube.com/@RailRelaxation/
#cabview #fuhrerstandsmitfahrt
#Führerstandsmitfahrt von #Tübingen nach #Sigmaringen mit #bwegt auf der #Zollern-Alb-Bahn (80min) . Ganz aktuell, das heißt auch noch etwas finster am Morgen.
#fuhrerstandsmitfahrt #tubingen #sigmaringen #bwegt #zollern