Die Bundesregierung hat dem Bundestag das EFI-Expertengutachten 2023 als Unterrichtung vorgelegt.
Darin wird betont, dass Forschung und Innovation für das Gelingen von großen Transformationen, wie der Energie- und Mobilitätswende sowie der Digitalisierung von Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft unerlässlich sind, auch wenn die Transformation durch die Coronakrise und den Ukrainekrieg erschwert sei.
#efi #forschung #fue #innovationen #fui #BildungsSpiegel
Nice: #arwes v1.0.0-alpha.21 was released: https://arwes.dev/
Lovely #FUI framework. Doing all my UI shenanigans with it. Alpha or not 🤓
fui, uma boa madrugada para quem fica!
#fui #archlinuxbr #brasil #linux #brazil #shellscript #bash #descanso #dormir #madrugada
#fui #archlinuxbr #brasil #linux #brazil #shellscript #bash #descanso #dormir #madrugada
@Nixie 💯
Looks awesome but… totally useless.
Alien is special. The stuff was designed with usability in mind. Checked it out a bit more closely and there are several elements also found e.g. in an aircraft.
Designing a #FUI is hard work. https://www.hudsandguis.com/ is a website dedicated to such and I read regularly on that topic.
Some tech graphics created in After Effects.
#Design #AfterEffects #MotionDesign #Typography #HUD #UI #FUI
#design #aftereffects #motiondesign #typography #hud #ui #fui
EFI-Gutachten zur Forschungs- und Innovationspolitik vorgestellt
In ihrem neuen Gutachten schlägt die Expertenkommission Forschung und Innovation (EFI) unter Vorsitz von Uwe Cantner die Bildung eines beim Kanzleramt angesiedelten Regierungsausschusses vor, der den notwendigen technologischen Wandel ins Deutschland ressortübergreifend steuern soll.
#efi #forschungsforderung #fue #innovationen #fui
EFI-Jahresbericht 2023
Die mit den Transformationen verbundenen komplexen F&I-politischen Aufgaben werden durch die Coronakrise und den Ukraine-Krieg zusätzlich erschwert. Die Handlungsspielräume Deutschlands, die anstehenden großen Transformationen F&I-politisch zu begleiten und zu orchestrieren sowie mithilfe innovativer Lösungen aktiv anzugehen, werden dadurch massiv eingeschränkt.
#BildungsSpiegel #EFI #Forschungsförderung #FuI #Innovationen
#BildungsSpiegel #efi #forschungsforderung #fui #innovationen
Topic: Speculative technology & design, futurism, and sci-fi interfaces.
Book https://rosenfeldmedia.com/books/make-it-so/
Blog scifiinterfaces.com
Toots @scifiinterfaces
Facebook if you're into it.
I created an awards program for #FUI in film. Plans to grow it, 👀sponsors. https://scifiinterfaces.com/category/the-fritzes/
Pronto. Bateria social chegou a zero 🪫. Vou me afastar de tudo até me recuperar. #FUI
Gente, vou ler e vou dormir. Boa noite pra quem fica e amanhã vcs me contam se aconteceu alguma coisa boa por aqui.
🚀 👽⁉️ Hey Fediverse! What 2022 #ScifiMovies have you seen with awesome interfaces #FUI #SciFiGUI? I’m doing my annual binge-watch across the holidays in preparations for the #Fritz awards and would love suggestions.
👀 Seen: Something in the Dirt, Brian & Charles, Black Adam, Vesper, Nope, Crimes of the Future, The Adam Project, Multiverse of Madness, Everything Everywhere, Lightyear, Wakanda Forever.
🎥 In queue: After Yang, Dual, King Car, Neptune Frost, Strawberry Mansion
#Fritz #scifigui #fui #scifimovies
@vampiress interesting and wow, they even habe OS/2 Warp screenshots 😲 I still remember yelling at my computer in the early morning training it's voice detection software. "Open! Open! Open god damn it!"
I also found the opposite some year ago and reading in on https://www.hudsandguis.com/ for futuristic user interfaces (or #FUI|s) regularly.
Had a blast with the article on "Retro Digital Dashboards" 🤓
@vampiress interesting and wow, they even habe OS/2 Warp screenshots 😲 I still remember yelling at my computer in the early morning training it's voice detection software. "Open! Open! Open god damn it!"
I also found the opposite some year ago and reading in on https://www.hudsandguis.com/ for futuristic user interfaces (or #FUI|s) regularly.
Had a blast with the article on "Retro Digital Dashboards" 🤓
𝗙𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝗢𝗽𝗲𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗦𝘆𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗺𝘀 are now on Behance
👉 https://behance.net/gallery/156932269/Fake-Operating-Systems
A collection of #FUI mockups, riffing on various eras and trends of the computer history. Alternate reality nostalgia in motion.
𝗙𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝗢𝗽𝗲𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗦𝘆𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗺𝘀 are now on Behance
👉 https://behance.net/gallery/156932269/Fake-Operating-Systems
A collection of #FUI mockups, riffing on various eras and trends of the computer history. Alternate reality nostalgia in motion.
Irresistible designer urge to make an interface for the parallel universe version of Windows XP from 2005.
Or is it just me?
#UI #FUI #design #interface