We move quickly into mature woodland. Any hint of a trail or trod is quickly lost. We are in the hands of our guides.
There’s no instruction, but it’s clear we are to be quiet. Almost instinctive.
There’s a mist, not quite freezing, amongst the trees. A dampness above and a sheen of permafrost below the mosses and lichens that cushion our footsteps.” #moosehunt #environmentalexchange #fujix100t #fujifilm #communityhunting #norway #fujilandscape #fujifilmlandscape #x100t
#x100t #fujifilmlandscape #fujilandscape #norway #communityhunting #fujifilm #fujix100t #environmentalexchange #moosehunt
Recently returned from a trip to Norway to look at forestry and wildlife management. These few images on hill called #Tronkberget that was 680 metres at the summit. We were surrounded by Norway spruce, birch, larch and Scots pine at a latitude of 61 degrees north, compared to the North of Scotland at around 56 degrees north. #ecologicalrestoration #wildplaces #johnmuirtrust #hillwalking #trees #norwaynature #fujix100t #fujifilmlandscape #landscapephotography #x100t #x100tfujifilm
#x100tfujifilm #x100t #landscapephotography #fujifilmlandscape #fujix100t #norwaynature #trees #hillwalking #JohnMuirTrust #wildplaces #ecologicalrestoration #tronkberget