Ein obskures System das ich mal gespielt habe könnte #FUK von @MannifestGames im Unicorn PD Setting sein.
#fuk #rpgaday2023 #rpgaday #pnpde
#nemoradio #police #da #fuk #nwa
From #MikeSacksEsq:
Justice Thomas again attacks Griswold, this time along with a whole list of other SCOTUS doctrines that earlier justices objected to upon their inceptions: https://supremecourt.gov/opinions/22pdf/22-179_o75q.pdf
Me: FUK #ClarenceThomas and his co-terrorist wife....oh, yeah, and FUK #SamAlito too! And while, we're at it....#FUK Brett Kavanaugh....and what billionaire did #LeonardLeo get to pay all his shit off?
#mikesacksesq #clarencethomas #samalito #fuk #leonardleo
대한항공과 함께 떠나는 여행 – #FUK #KoreanAir #shorts #travel #Janpan #Fukuoka https://www.alojapan.com/830435/%eb%8c%80%ed%95%9c%ed%95%ad%ea%b3%b5%ea%b3%bc-%ed%95%a8%ea%bb%98-%eb%96%a0%eb%82%98%eb%8a%94-%ec%97%ac%ed%96%89-fuk-koreanair-shorts-travel-janpan-fukuoka/
#Fukuoka #Fukuokadestinations #Fukuokatour #fukuokatravel #Fukuokatrip #Fukuokavacation #koreanair #福岡 #대한항공
#fuk #koreanair #shorts #travel #janpan #fukuoka #fukuokadestinations #fukuokatour #fukuokatravel #fukuokatrip #fukuokavacation #福岡 #대한항공
#Fuk this fuking so called "justice" Thomas!! Worst!! He and his crazy corrupt wife, too.
"For decades, Justice Clarence Thomas has secretly accepted luxury trips from a major Republican donor, newly obtained documents and interviews show.
The extent and frequency of these apparent gifts to Thomas has no known precedent in modern SCOTUS history... 🧵👇"
From @ProPublica on Bird...I know I know...but it's a must read
Gerade gefunden - klingt nach einer interessanten Veranstaltung!
#ZeFKo Forum Launch: Dekolonisert Euch! Kritische Betrachtungen der Friedens- und Konfliktforschung. Ein hybrider Roundtable an der @unileipzig
02.02.'23 15:15-17:45 (hybrid)
Die @JournalZefko und das @bmbf_bund Netzwerk Post-Colonial Hierarchies in Peace and Conflict laden zum Roundtable über post- und dekoloniale Ansätze in der #FuK ein, um ein neues Forum zu diesem Thema zu launchen.
@yeri they're easier than pronouncing some of them. My favs are #SUX #SiouxCity And #FUK #Fukuoka. Who knows these U.S. domestic ones without looking them up? BNA, SDF, CVG, TYS, BDL, and why they have that designator.
Scotland has been so foggy all week this week I'm beginning to think she's trying to Brigadoon herself out of slavery to England.
If this account suddenly disappears tomorrow you can find me @mstdn.MysteriousPocketDimension
#missedscotch #scotchmist #independence #fuk
ferris: cameron, babe, whats up?
ferris: i'm just takin the day off, now get dressed and come on over here.
cameron: #WE R OF #NOT COM OVR !! !! #WE R OF #SIC, #DUMASS ! (( :(
ferris: thats all in your head. come on over, cameron.
cameron: #FUK OF #FERIS, #IL KCK YR #AS ! #RT #RT #RT #RT #RT !!
#the #unthreadebl00g #holmes #todae #r #revuew #of #sic #frum #scul #bed #it #undr #covur #fealing #kweeasy #badtweak #wat #deing #feris #we #not #dumass #fuk #il #as #rt