@currentbias Rain concentrates tritium. T20 or more likely HTO, small amount of TDO. Short half life 12 years, just don’t drink the water…oops…it’s in the hydrogen in the water so in the water IN the water. Easily absorbed through the skin. Will we glow in the dark? Fun for everyone. FYI Berkey water filter filters out > 98% tritium. #Fukishima #ReactorWater #RadioactiveWater
#fukishima #reactorwater #radioactivewater
Inside the Fukushima nuclear plant 12 years after catastrophic meltdown
Fukishima takes the coveted "most complicated expensive nuclear cleanup" title from Chernobyl 25 years ago
"Upwards of 5,000 workers are here every day innovating and orchestrating the most complicated, expensive nuclear cleanup in history."
Tritiated water has a bioaccumulation factor of one. Exposed animals would have roughly the same concentration of tritium in their bodies as the surrounding water.
By comparison, radioactive caesium 137 has a bioaccumulation factor in marine environments of roughly 100. Animals tend to have around 100 times more radiocaesium than in the surrounding water because caesium magnifies up the food chain.
#fukishima #radioactivity #NuclearPower #energy
Fukushima. Acqua radioattiva in mare https://radioblackout.org/2021/01/fukushima-acqua-radioattiva-in-mare/ #L'informazionediBlackout #incidentenucleare #acquaradioattiva #fukishima #giappone #tsunami
#tsunami #giappone #fukishima #acquaradioattiva #incidentenucleare #l
Fukushima. Acqua radioattiva in mare https://radioblackout.org/2021/01/fukushima-acqua-radioattiva-in-mare/ #L'informazionediBlackout #incidentenucleare #acquaradioattiva #fukishima #giappone #tsunami
#l #incidentenucleare #acquaradioattiva #fukishima #giappone #tsunami