Many nations are embracing #nuclearpower as a #lowcarbon energy generating technology. Meanwhile the massively expensive and as yet unsolved disposal problem of #radioactivewaste threatens all life forms over the long term. The current favoured solution is to bury the high and intermediate level wastes. #fukushima #chernobyl #hanford #sellafield are massively contaminated sites. #water
#nuclearpower #lowcarbon #radioactivewaste #fukushima #chernobyl #hanford #sellafield #water
Il nucleare si rivela sempre più una di quelle scelte di politica energetica che non vede più in là del proprio naso e fortemente intrisa di populismo. (Dida completa sugli altri canali) #satira #vignette #humor #politica #pepitostrozzapreti #sifaperridere #giappone #japan #china #cina #fukushima #nuclear #energy #thereisnoplanetb
#satira #vignette #humor #politica #pepitostrozzapreti #sifaperridere #giappone #japan #china #cina #fukushima #nuclear #energy #thereisnoplanetb
#SudCorea #Giappone
#Lee Jae-myung (#DPK|Centro): "Il mio sciopero della fame riguarda anche lo scarico nell’oceano dell’acqua trattata della centrale nucleare di #Fukushima Dai-ichi. Il governo deve dichiarare la sua opposizione e deve scusarsi con i cittadini."
#sudcorea #giappone #lee #dpk #fukushima
Les communiqués officiels insistent sur le tritium. Le tritium est de l’hydrogène radioactif, qui ne peut pas être filtré. Mais en plus de contenir du tritium, on estime que l’eau contaminée de Fukushima contient encore après traitement une soixantaine de radionucléides (Strontium-90, Cobalt-60, Iode-129, Carbone-14 ou encore Ruthénium-106, entre autres radio-éléments).
L’Agence Internationale de l’Energie Atomique (AIEA) a conclu en mai 2023 que ces rejets d’eau contaminée, tels qu’ils ont été planifiés, « auront un impact radiologique négligeable sur la population et sur l’environnement ». Je n’ai aucune confiance dans les déclarations de l’AIEA dont l’une des missions est la promotion du nucléaire civil. Cette contamination radioactive va en effet « se diluer » dans l’eau du Pacifique, tout en se concentrant dans les éléments de la chaîne alimentaire. Ce sont donc les algues, les crustacés et les poissons qui peuvent concentrer au fil du temps cette contamination.
#iTHiNKLabs Episode 282🔴
#F16 #University #ElonMusk #Ukraine #RTO #Security #Apple #Mastodon #China #RemoteWork #Starlink #FakeFood #Fediverse #Crimea #SocialMedia #Russia #Colorado #Military #NewHampshire #Parents #Michigan #HumanRights #Arizona #Twitter #Politics #Google #BlackMastodon #Chrome #HR #Defense #GOP #News #Fukushima #Nutrition #Students #Health #Disinformation #Law #Racism #Trump #Japan #SCOTUS #iPhone #Education #AI #Food #Jobs #Scam #Business #USA▼
#ithinklabs #f16 #university #elonmusk #ukraine #rto #security #apple #mastodon #china #remotework #starlink #fakefood #fediverse #crimea #socialmedia #russia #colorado #military #newhampshire #parents #michigan #humanrights #arizona #twitter #politics #google #blackmastodon #chrome #hr #defense #gop #news #fukushima #nutrition #students #health #disinformation #law #racism #trump #japan #scotus #iphone #education #ai #food #jobs #scam #business #usa
Seit #Japan begonnen hat, radioaktiv verseuchtes Wasser vom havarierten Atomkraftwerk #Fukushima I ins Meer zu leiten, gilt seitens #China ein Importstopp aller japanischen Meeresprodukte.
#Sondaggi #Giappone
Sondaggio di SSRC:
"Il governo e la Tokyo Electric Power Company hanno iniziato a rilasciare nell’oceano l’acqua trattata della centrale nucleare di #Fukushima Dai-ichi. Cosa ne pensi?"
È un problema, ma è inevitabile: 54%
È ragionevole: 29%
il rilascio dovrebbe essere interrotto: 10%
Non so: 7%
Data rilevazione: 3 settembre
Intervistati: 1509
#sondaggi #giappone #fukushima
Ein #Fukushima-Moment stellt sich angesichts der #Klimakrise nicht ein. Trotz all der Bilder.
What's going on with #NPR these days?!! Last week, they have someone on the air promoting nuking the atmosphere, today they interviewed two pro-nuke scientists justifying #TEPCO's dumping of #Fukushima water, and only had a recorded statement by WHOI's Ken Buesseler, while the "experts" pooh-pooh'ed his statements without him being able to defend himself! Then I heard some piece about digging for more oil and carbon credits, which sounded like #greenwashing BS to me. Way more quality news can be found in a half-hour of a #DemocracyNow broadcast. Ugh!
#npr #tepco #fukushima #greenwashing #democracynow
#KyleHill giving us all the what's what about the #Fukushima water release plan. He's got a nuclear series going on now that I very highly recommend as well.
I hadn't realized that quite so many giant water tanks have been constructed at #fukushima. Do opponents to releasing the (very slightly) irradiated water expect more and more water tanks to be created every year?
Not a great look for the #Fukushima #nuclear plant to be unnecessarily irradiating tour groups.
Props for Kyle Hill for staying on top of things.
I do recommend his series on topics about nuclear energy, warfare and accidents.
Another test with #Safecast #radiation #opendata from #Pripyat, #Chornobyl. #H3grid again - this time we had dose rate value range much higher than in #Fukushima..
#safecast #radiation #opendata #pripyat #chornobyl #h3grid #fukushima #gis #qgis #opensource
#China sees #Japanese #seafood as unsafe due to #Fukushima #radiation
#China #japanese #seafood #fukushima #radiation
Normandie. Nucléaire : la télé japonaise scrute les « préleveurs »
L'autorisation de rejets tritium y est 840 fois plus élevée qu'à #Fukushima. L'iode est rejeté en France, filtré au Japon.
Rejet de l’eau de #Fukushima: des pêcheurs portent plainte contre l’Etat japonais
① Racism, #Xenophobia & #Spy Phobia in Xi's #China🔴
② Battle against #Spies Spooking Locals & Foreigners as New #Law Enables Abuse🔴
③ #Fukushima #Disinformation: #Japan & Allies Are Conspiring🔴
④ #HumanRights Watch To #CCP: Combat Anti-Black #Racism on #SocialMedia🔴
⑤ 3 Reasons Black People Are Easy Targets🟥
#USA #Education #Africa #Travel #Europe #Nomad #News #Expat #Security▼
#xenophobia #spy #spies #law #fukushima #disinformation #japan #humanrights #china #racism #socialmedia #usa #education #africa #travel #europe #nomad #news #expat #security #ccp
Consequently, the presence of pollutants in the water has the potential to adversely affect aquatic organisms such as fish, marine creatures, and individuals who rely on seafood as a dietary source.