New open access commentary paper on #river basin science led by our #wateratleeds Distinguished #Fulbright visiting scholar Chansheng He #Western_Michigan_U. with Carol Harden #UTKGeography, Anna Mdee and I #Geography_Leeds, #Politics_Leeds, #University_of_Leeds #water #catchment #watershed #river_basin
#river #wateratleeds #fulbright #western_michigan_u #utkgeography #geography_leeds #politics_leeds #university_of_leeds #water #catchment #watershed #river_basin
And here’s my first completely Twitter-free post on Mastodon—I received a #fulbright to #croatia for 2023-24. Going to finish my book *Sea of Intimacy*.
RT @Samarsaeed
2 years ago, I also applied to #Fulbright & received 0/15 pts bc I was a native Arabic speaker wanting to do research in Jordan. I sued to end native speaker penalty with @NCLAlegal. Glad @AlmostPHDVero joined our lawsuit. Stronger together. #fixfulbright
Her application suffered from a decades-old regulation that led the Education Department to withhold points from #Fulbright-Hays applicants if they grew up exposed to or speaking the #language of the country in which they propose research | @nytimes #scholarship #fellowship
#fulbright #language #scholarship #fellowship
😎 10 років тому ми з університетськими друзями в Штатах поїхали на spring break в Майамі.
Це було інше життя, 4-5 днів на океані, кубинська кухня, супермаркети, в які не пускають з рюкзакими, житло на Airbnb, авіаквитки Бостон-Майямі-Бостон десь за 160 баксів.
Студентські роки бувають різними, якщо ти стипендіант програми імені Фулбрайта.
PS: подавайтеся на програму, якщо вам 20-30 років й є бажання навчання в Штатах
Middlebury College was again named a Fulbright Top Producing Institution.
Seven Middlebury College graduates were offered Fulbright grants for 2022-2023, six of whom accepted the awards.
Current Fulbright grantees from Middlebury include:
Christina Badalamenti ’22, for Germany
Robert Cassidy ’19, for Germany
Yamit Netter-Sweet ’21.5, for Jordan
Eva Ury ’21.5, for Italy
Essi Wunderman ‘22, for Bosnia and Herzegovina
Julianne Yu ’22, for South Korea
Communicated for the first time with my new #YALI mentee. It’s a leadership program for young African leaders and I have served as a virtual #mentor for several years. He is a young man named Michael from Kilimanjaro Tanzania. He already asked for sample resumes and help writing a #Fulbright application. He seems ambitious and eager to access opportunities for growth. I’m excited to get to know him and support his journey.
Ending up #lectureship with #GlobalDigitalHumanities #students on '#DigitalRights & #DigitalCitizenship' module at the Mondragon Unibertsitatea being delivered from the #USA, #UK, and #Spain along the line of my #Fulbright programme via US-UK Fulbright Commission as a way to transfer timely research produced on recent developments on #digitalisation and #civilsociety through ESRC: Economic and Social Research Council at Cardiff University / Prifysgol Caerdydd #research #university
#lectureship #globaldigitalhumanities #students #digitalrights #digitalcitizenship #usa #uk #spain #fulbright #digitalisation #civilsociety #research #university
The Fulbrighter profiled my book. Yay!
Read it here:
#Fulbrighter #Fulbright #fulbrightscholar #FeministPeace #academicchatter
#Fulbrighter #fulbright #FulBrightScholar #FeministPeace #academicchatter
Podcast on #ukraine , too good not to share. Link in the article.
Political scientist David #Rowe is a #Fulbright #Nato Security Studies scholar and a visiting fellow at the German Marshall Fund, and he has been looking into why so much of #Europe wasn't ready for #Putin.
Rowe, who's on sabbatical from #Kenyon College in the US, gives his personal views about how the #EU needs to rethink the role of war and peace in building and maintaining liberal #democracy.
#ukraine #rowe #fulbright #nato #europe #putin #kenyon #eu #democracy
RT @aurelio_malo
My #Fulbright experience at the @smithsonian summarized: I discovered the power of discussing ideas freely released from the constraints of an asphyxiating hierarchical culture in academia.Consequences?
1.Creativity reloaded!
2.Collaboration and engagement in science boosted!
Noch bis zum 22.02. um ein #Stipendium für das #Fulbright Sommerstudienprogramm
„Diversity Initiative” an der Trinity University, San Antonio TX bewerben! Ausführliche Informationen gibt es hier:
RT @FulbrightPrgrm
Happy Lunar New Year to those who celebrate! The #Fulbright Program wishes you good fortune, luck, and prosperity for the rest of the year ahead! 🎇
How are you celebrating Lunar New Year? Share in the comments below! ⬇️
RT @FulbrightGreece
#HIGGS Green & Sustainable Development Accelerator
Dr. Chuixiang Yi’s talk is supported by FULBRIGHT FOUNDATION GREECE through the Intercountry Lecturing Program. #Fulbright Greece is pleased to collaborate with HIGGS @HIGGS3HIGGS
Facebook post
The #MedUniWien is #fullofbrightminds!
Guess who has received a #Fulbright grant from Fulbright Austria
#meduniwien #fullofbrightminds #fulbright
I live in #Brooklyn, but grew up in #Colorado and #Tokyo, and have been fortunate to live a lot of places, like #Berlin, #LosAngeles, #Paris, #Seattle and #Austria. I like Italy, a lot. London is also ok!
Into talking #cocktails, #videogames, #music, #dungeonsanddragons, #movies, and #saunas. And #lifemistakes! And #ai. Lots of things.
Alum of #pomona, #nyu, #fulbright.
At the moment, I'm blogging over at which you can follow/subscribe to over on ye olde Medium dot com.
#brooklyn #colorado #tokyo #berlin #losangeles #paris #seattle #austria #cocktails #videogames #music #dungeonsanddragons #movies #saunas #lifemistakes #ai #pomona #nyu #fulbright
Peter Nimmo
#Church of #Scotland minister at Cambuslang. Has lived in 3 countries. Married an immigrant. Likes science, but can't do the maths. Graduate of #Glasgow University and #Princeton Theological Seminary- #Fulbright alumnus. Registered same-sex marriage celebrant. Occasional reposts or links in #German.
#theology #Christianity #liturgy #sermons #politics #preaching #religion #ChurchOfScotland #Presbyterian #fedi22 #faith #SSM
#boost #followfriday #follow #altext
#church #scotland #glasgow #princeton #fulbright #german #theology #christianity #liturgy #sermons #politics #preaching #religion #churchofscotland #presbyterian #fedi22 #faith #ssm #boost #followfriday #follow #altext
#Fulbright scholar Landry Gnanman Ange Ar Dohou Bi MAIPD ’23 started in the International #Policy and Development program this fall and hopes to use his degree to work at the intersection of #migration and #DisabilityRights in his home country of Cote D’Ivoire.
#fulbright #policy #migration #disabilityrights
Real-world challenges often don’t fit neatly into just one category and require making connections between different disciplines.
#Fulbright scholar Landry Gnanman Ange Ar Dohou Bi MAIPD ’23 started in the International Policy and Development program this fall and hopes to use his degree to work at the intersection of #migration and disability rights in his home country of Cote D’Ivoire.|
To end up 2022 year, pleased having succesfully completed #Fulbright #Certificate
#academic #scientific #harvest #California #USA #scholar #impact #academicexchange #internationalisation
#fulbright #certificate #academic #scientific #harvest #california #usa #scholar #impact #academicexchange #internationalisation #prosperous2023