Afraid Of Destiny - Contra Omnes (Full Album Stream) premiere today at 9 PM!
#talheimrecords #afraidofdestiny #blackmetal #depressiveblackmetal #atmosphericblackmetal #contraomnes #fullalbumstream #video #album #italianblackmetal
#talheimrecords #afraidofdestiny #blackmetal #depressiveblackmetal #atmosphericblackmetal #contraomnes #fullalbumstream #video #album #italianblackmetal
We are currently working on publishing a couple of releases,
One of the last published ones was "Hiver Social" of the german atmospheric black metal Morgenröthe.
A powerful release featured with some famous musicians like Jürgen Bartsch (Bethlehem) and Anna Murphy (Cellar Darling, ex-Eluveitie)
#blackmetal #atmosphericblackmetal #music #release #talheimrecords #talheimrecordsgermany #morgenröthe #video #fullalbumstream #hiversocial
#blackmetal #atmosphericblackmetal #music #release #talheimrecords #talheimrecordsgermany #morgenrothe #video #fullalbumstream #hiversocial
This 15 Year Old Makes Better Blackened Death Metal Than You Do
Calugarul rules.
#blackeneddeathmetal #15yearoldtalent #incrediblemusicianship #breathtakinglybrutal #unparalleledsongwriting #This15yearoldSMD #MetalInjection #FullAlbumStream
#themetaldogarticlelist #metalinjection #blackeneddeathmetal #15yearoldtalent #incrediblemusicianship #breathtakinglybrutal #unparalleledsongwriting #this15yearoldsmd #fullalbumstream
Death Metal Monday: California's TUMULATION Is CONJURETH Members Making Death Doom
It'll sap your will to live.
#themetaldogarticlelist #metalinjection #deathmetalmonday #californiadeathmetal #tumulation #conjureth #deathdoom #fullalbumstream