Die Nutzer sollte eine informierte Entscheidung darüber treffen, ob sie einen Dienst, eine Software oder eine Hardware mit einer klaffenden Sicherheitslücke weiter nutzen möchten oder nicht. Darum immer sofort #FullDisclosure!
Huh… I am a web developer. Have been since the 90’s.
And, I don’t have a personal google account.
(I mention this because every damn web developer thinks you have to use chrome to develop web sites. I didn’t develop for IE and I am not doing it for Chrome either.)
There are 4 people in this house, and we all have an apple laptop, ipad, iphone and airpods.
(I also own apple stock #FullDisclosure)
My interests are definitely more aligned with Apple’s than Google’s.
No. 203 #FullDisclosure | When you return from your holiday, your manuscript will not really be waiting alone. It will be in the company of three short stories, an essay and two blog posts, which will all start prodding you with pointed sticks as you wrestle with your manuscript.
@Donaupiratin Ich hab die Klorolle sofort umgedreht, gestutzt, wieder umgedreht, Foto gemacht, gepostet, und wieder richtig herum gedreht 😬 #FullDisclosure
#Government & companies #responsible for #OilSpill in #OrientalMindoro should be completely #transparent about incident's impacts & actions being done to #mitigate the #disaster - #lawyers #environment advocates said.
In statement released Monday, concerned lawyers called for #transparency & #accountability in the conduct of #investigation into the oil spill & for #FullDisclosure of parties involved in the incident.
#government #responsible #oilspill #orientalmindoro #transparent #mitigate #disaster #lawyers #environment #transparency #accountability #investigation #fulldisclosure #asianmastodon #environmental #pollution #ecocide
RT @LondonEconomic
"How can anybody look at something which was so desperate in our history and think about making money?"
@mrjamesob interviewing @carolvorders is a must-watch ⏬#FullDisclosure
#FullDisclosure | A certain elder queer in a hoodie, wraparound Maui Jims and bluetooth Sony over-ears has been known to stroll with his shopping cart down the Moon Pie aisle at Piggly-Wiggly listening to "House Every Weekend" and sing-not-caring "When it comes to House Every Weekend...I work hard...And if I don't let myself go, I just might explode."
In these parts, that's walking on the edge of the volcano.
I give not a wee fraction of a minute fuck what people think.
Hungarian FM Calls for UN Investigation of Alleged Biden Nord Stream Terror Attack https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/02/hungarian-fm-calls-for-un-investigation-of-alleged-biden-nord-stream-terror-attack/ via @gatewaypundit
#Transparency #FullDisclosure #Truth #1a
#1a #truth #fulldisclosure #transparency
The Secret War - The CIA vs. The American People #fulldisclosure #cia #topsecret #declassifed
#fulldisclosure #cia #topsecret #declassifed
@memnochs clairement, on est pas tous doues pour prendre des photos (moi le premier).
Mais #fullDisclosure : on voulait que les enfants regardent la ville (a travers leur ecrans) plutôt que la tête baissé sur leur téléphone...
While I get excited pretty fast for a nipple piercing, I cannot even think wearing one myself.
So far:
Launch is actually smaller than the #Kinesis gaming keyboard. BUT, Kinesis wins for ergonomics.
Setting up the Launch Heavy was not difficult. I got the Kailh Silent Brown; they are quiet and feel great.
Bonus points to Launch for having 4 extra usb ports built in. That is going to be handy.
#FullDisclosure - I have a #Pop_OS computer that I used to set up the #LaunchHeavy keyboard. I'm using it on my #Gentoo machine, though. Anyone know if there is an ebuild for the config software?
#kinesis #fulldisclosure #pop_os #launchheavy #gentoo
I didn't know a lot about her beforehand but #LisaNandy comes across really well in this #FullDisclosure interview with #JamesOBrien. Seems like one of the most genuinely normal people to become a #politician. Her book sounds like it will be good too. https://www.globalplayer.com/podcasts/episodes/7Dreqar/
#lisanandy #fulldisclosure #jamesobrien #politician
@PamelaBwell @wiredfire 😂 it just said “therapy” forgot to add the word dogs in my excitement #FullDisclosure
#RecoveryPosse #FullDisclosure I am needing to address and work on my intolerance towards others.
#recoveryposse #fulldisclosure
#FullDisclosure: We just asked the Corporation Commission for a massive rate hike by 2024 to protect our disturbingly large profits while buying new wind farms.
Great news, #Oklahoma! We're rolling out a #FuelFreePowerPlan to make our electricity 100% renewable by 3308!
#FullDisclosure: We just asked the Corporation Commission for a massive rate hike by 2024 to protect our disturbingly large profits while buying new wind farms.
#Oklahoma #fuelfreepowerplan #fulldisclosure