Es gibt #Füller, bei denen ich mir während des Schreibens immer #Tinte an die #Finger schmiere. Ich greife die Stifte zu nah an der #Feder.
#schreiben #amwriting #jécris #autorenleben #autorenalltag #writerslife #autorenwahnsinn
#fuller #Tinte #finger #feder #schreiben #amwriting #jecris #autorenleben #autorenalltag #writerslife #autorenwahnsinn
Einen #Füller wiedergefunden, den ich seit Jahren suche. Einfach in einen alten #Rucksack reingucken, seit Jahren unbenutzt. Immer überraschend, was man findet, was zuvor lange vermisst war.
#schreiben #amwriting #jécris #autorenleben #autorenalltag #writerslife #autorenwahnsinn
#fuller #Rucksack #schreiben #amwriting #jecris #autorenleben #autorenalltag #writerslife #autorenwahnsinn
Momentan suche ich dauernd meine #Füller. Erst ist der eine weg, dann der andere. Inzwischen schreibe ich mit einem #Kalligraphiefüller.
#schreiben #amwriting #jécris #autorenleben #autorenalltag #writerslife #autorenwahnsinn
#fuller #kalligraphiefuller #schreiben #amwriting #jecris #autorenleben #autorenalltag #writerslife #autorenwahnsinn
Heute kam das Päckchen mit meinem neuen Füller an, den BENU Talisman Tiger's Eye.
Im Sonnenlicht funkelte er richtig. Da musste ich ein paar Fotos machen. 😍
Should the community bot also follow other-language hashtags like #estilográficas, #vulpen, #Füller, #万年筆, #鋼筆? (Given that we already have non-English posts that show up in the #FountainPens hashtag.) Why or why not?
Please provide your input in replies. #penfount
#estilograficas #vulpen #fuller #万年筆 #鋼筆 #fountainpens #penfount
Die neue Woche mit Austausch der Tintenpatrone beginnen. Läuft. 🖋️😄 #Schreibwerkzeug #Schreibutensilien #Kaweco #KawecoStudent #Füllfederhalter #Füller #Schreibgerät #PenAddict #FountainPen
#schreibwerkzeug #schreibutensilien #kaweco #kawecostudent #fullfederhalter #fuller #schreibgerat #penaddict #fountainpen
Because some of you liked my last posts with my work in progress (naturally I haven't finished these, but started to work on an octopus jewellery dish 🙄 because you can't have enough UFO's in your life 😅) I show you my Kirschvogel. Kirsche means Cherry in German, Vogel = Bird. I had something swallow- or sparrowlike in my mind while I worked on it, but my dear family calls it "Die Ente!" (this duck!) 🤪, because the beak looks very wide when you look from above at the thingie. But I designed it to look at it from the side. I made it for myself and it now sits on a raised place on my desktop, so that I look directly at it and can just be happy about my small bird.
I saw something like this (bigger, shinier, better) on Pinterest last year and tried to make it in a smaller scale. It's a Holder for pens - or respectively my fountain pen of choice. The pen of your choice should resemble the tail feather. As you can see, a lip stick has also a perfect place here.
As funny as this is: The cherry wood I used is selled as neatly in smooth rectangles sowed smoker wood for BBQs. Nice for litte projects and much cheaper than wood which is explicitly sold for whittling. But it's seasoned and really hard wood - which gave me some problems in the beginning - until I switched to soak it before working on it.
#whittling #schnitzen #holz #carving #CherryWood #woodCarving #wood #woodworking #Holzbearbeitung #axe #hatchet #bird #pen #fountainPen #Füller #Tintenfüller #ink #MastoArt
#whittling #schnitzen #Holz #carving #cherrywood #woodcarving #wood #woodworking #holzbearbeitung #axe #hatchet #bird #pen #fountainpen #fuller #tintenfuller #ink #mastoart
We had a thread at Matrix Games, about 15 years ago, while they were porting World in Flames. The topic was spherical projections.
I contributed by covering Fuller's Dymaxion map with hexes at 100 miles (160 km) per hex. It keeps all the land masses intact, no breaks, with minimal distortion, basically a contiguous map of the Earth.
Of course, Fuller would have vehemently opposed using his map for a wargame.
#icosahedron #wifce #fuller #matrixgames
“I am impotent and I like it!”
Neyle Morrow in Shock Corridor
#ShockCorridor #Fuller #SamuelFuller #SamFuller
#moviequotes #moviequoteoftheday
#shockcorridor #fuller #samuelfuller #samfuller #moviequotes #moviequoteoftheday
I finished the new #biography on #Bucky #Fuller (inventor of the future). The book reveals much that was not-so-nice about him, and makes the argument that he wasn’t really appreciated until he was gone. He wrote and said so much rambly stuff (his lectures went hours and his books spiral from topic to topic) that you could probably cherry pick almost a quote that says almost anything. It was a good book on a difficult topic. I don’t have a better opinion a out Fuller from it, though.
pen model: Zephyr
material: Double Red Mono Swirl
nib: JoWo #6 Steel
tuned by Mark Bacas
size: Small
This is a commissioned order. If you want to know more about how to commission a pen, please see my homepage or contact me by email.
#penturning #fountainpen #fpgeeks #penaddict #custompen #ink #fountainpennetwork #fpn #インク沼 #万年筆沼 #钢笔 #Füllhalter #Füller #estilográfica - #currentlyinked #ペン先 #canetatinteiro
#canetatinteiro #ペン先 #currentlyinked #estilografica #fuller #fullhalter #钢笔 #万年筆沼 #インク沼 #fpn #fountainpennetwork #ink #custompen #penaddict #fpgeeks #fountainpen #penturning
2023 Pen World Reader’s Choice Nominee!
Scriptorium Kelmscott Dragonfly - Best Artisan Pen
I was literally stunned when I received this notification, and am so honored and excited to be nominated!
#penturning #fountainpen #fountainpens #penaddict #custompen #ink #inks #fpn #インク沼 #万年筆沼 #钢笔 #Füllhalter #Füller #Füllfederhalter #inkvent #fountainpenink #インク沼 #万年筆沼 #钢笔 #Füllhalter #Füller #Füllfederhalter #estilográfica #styloplume #currentlyinked #ペン先 #canetatinteiro
#canetatinteiro #ペン先 #currentlyinked #styloplume #estilografica #fountainpenink #inkvent #fullfederhalter #fuller #fullhalter #钢笔 #万年筆沼 #インク沼 #fpn #inks #ink #custompen #penaddict #fountainpens #fountainpen #penturning
"Buckminster Fuller realized that mankind lives on a globe and not a Euclidean plane. Fuller therefore used to refer to the direction “down” as “in,” and “up” as “out.” Fuller theorized that walking “instairs” and “outstairs” might help us to pilot SpaceShip Earth."
Sterling, B
#Fuller #Buckminster
"Non cambierai mai le cose combattendo la realtà esistente. Per cambiare qualcosa, costruisci un modello nuovo che renda la realtà obsoleta."
~ Richard Buckminster Fuller
#noncombattere #semprepacifico #fuller #BuckministerFuller
pen model: Zephyr
material: Primary Manipulation #1
nib: JoWo #6 Steel
tuned by Mark Bacas
size: Medium
This is a commissioned order. If you want to know more about how to commission a pen, please see my homepage or contact me by email.
#penturning #fountainpen #penaddict #custompen #ink #インク沼 #万年筆沼 #钢笔 #Füllhalter #Füller #Füllfederhalter #estilográfica #styloplume #ペン先 #canetatinteiro
#canetatinteiro #ペン先 #styloplume #estilografica #fullfederhalter #fuller #fullhalter #钢笔 #万年筆沼 #インク沼 #ink #custompen #penaddict #fountainpen #penturning
pen model: Idyll
material: Pollack’s Convergence by Bob Dupras
rollstop: Custom Silver Panel with Maple Tree
nib: JoWo #6
tuning: Mark Bacas
size: Medium
This is a commissioned order. If you want to know more about how to commission a pen, please see my homepage or contact me by email.
#penturning #fountainpen #fountainpens #penaddict #custompen #ink #inks #fpn #インク沼 #万年筆沼 #钢笔 #Füllhalter #Füller #Füllfederhalter
#fullfederhalter #fuller #fullhalter #钢笔 #万年筆沼 #インク沼 #fpn #inks #ink #custompen #penaddict #fountainpens #fountainpen #penturning
pen model: Epic
material: Illuminated Amber Tortoise
clip: Wide Modern in Silver
nib: #8 Steel Magna Carta
tuned by Mark Bacas
size: Oversized
This is a commissioned order. If you want to know more about how to commission a pen, please DM me or contact me by email.
#penturning #fountainpen #fountainpens #penaddict #custompen #ink #fountainpennetwork #fpn #インク沼 #万年筆沼 #钢笔 #Füllhalter #Füller #Füllfederhalter #estilográfica #styloplume
#styloplume #estilografica #fullfederhalter #fuller #fullhalter #钢笔 #万年筆沼 #インク沼 #fpn #fountainpennetwork #ink #custompen #penaddict #fountainpens #fountainpen #penturning
pen model: Literati Academe Dip Pen
with Cap
material: Customer provided
size: Medium
This is a commissioned order. If you want to know more about how to commission a pen, please DM me or contact me by email.
#penturning #fountainpen #fountainpens #fpgeeks #penaddict #custompen #ink #fountainpennetwork #fpn #インク沼 #万年筆沼 #钢笔 #Füllhalter #Füller #Füllfederhalter #estilográfica #styloplume #currentlyinked #ペン先 #canetatinteiro
#canetatinteiro #ペン先 #currentlyinked #styloplume #estilografica #fullfederhalter #fuller #fullhalter #钢笔 #万年筆沼 #インク沼 #fpn #fountainpennetwork #ink #custompen #penaddict #fpgeeks #fountainpens #fountainpen #penturning