Gergely Imreh · @imrehg
102 followers · 881 posts · Server

This is a first: seeing buckyballs added to cat food, or even any food. Apparently it is a very strong anti-oxidant, though this is still a lot more question marks


Last updated 1 year ago · @physorg_bot
480 followers · 13825 posts · Server
Podcasts and Vodcasts · @podcastbot
1 followers · 150 posts · Server

Fullerene: Schläuche statt Kugeln (scinexx)
Forscher haben aus kugelförmigen Fullerenen eine neuartige Variante des Kohlenstoffs erzeugt. Sie kombinieren kugelförmige zu neuartiger Struktur.
Aktueller Ticker von:
(BAND 120 übrigens jetzt im Buchhandel und unter

#fullerene #Kohlenstoff #chemie #fulleren #buckyballs #organik #dasneueuniversum

Last updated 2 years ago

Fullerene: Schläuche statt Kugeln (scinexx)
Forscher haben aus kugelförmigen Fullerenen eine neuartige Variante des Kohlenstoffs erzeugt. Sie kombinieren kugelförmige zu neuartiger Struktur.
Aktueller Ticker von:
(BAND 120 übrigens jetzt im Buchhandel und unter

#fullerene #kohlenstoff #chemie #fulleren #buckyballs #organik #dasneueuniversum

Last updated 2 years ago

Fullerene: Schläuche statt Kugeln (scinexx)
Forscher haben aus kugelförmigen Fullerenen eine neuartige Variante des Kohlenstoffs erzeugt. Sie kombinieren kugelförmige zu neuartiger Struktur.
Aktueller Ticker von:
(BAND 120 übrigens jetzt im Buchhandel und unter

#fullerene #Kohlenstoff #chemie #Fulleren #buckyballs #organik #dasneueuniversum

Last updated 2 years ago

Fullerene: Schläuche statt Kugeln (scinexx)
Forscher haben aus kugelförmigen Fullerenen eine neuartige Variante des Kohlenstoffs erzeugt. Sie kombinieren kugelförmige zu neuartiger Struktur.
Aktueller Ticker von:
(BAND 120 übrigens jetzt im Buchhandel und unter

#dasneueuniversum #organik #buckyballs #Fulleren #chemie #kohlenstoff #fullerene

Last updated 2 years ago

Fullerene: Schläuche statt Kugeln (scinexx)
Forscher haben aus kugelförmigen Fullerenen eine neuartige Variante des Kohlenstoffs erzeugt. Sie kombinieren kugelförmige zu neuartiger Struktur.
Aktueller Ticker von:
(BAND 120 übrigens jetzt im Buchhandel und unter

#dasneueuniversum #organik #buckyballs #Fulleren #chemie #kohlenstoff #fullerene

Last updated 2 years ago

Fullerene: Schläuche statt Kugeln (scinexx)
Forscher haben aus kugelförmigen Fullerenen eine neuartige Variante des Kohlenstoffs erzeugt. Sie kombinieren kugelförmige zu neuartiger Struktur.
Aktueller Ticker von:
(BAND 120 übrigens jetzt im Buchhandel und unter

#fullerene #kohlenstoff #chemie #fulleren #buckyballs #organik #dasneueuniversum

Last updated 2 years ago

Trash Robot · @trashrobot
345 followers · 169 posts · Server

I'm going to write an introduction post to pin since that seems like a useful thing to do.

I am Trash Robot. I was born in Juneau, Alaska in 1976. When I was 10 years old, I lived in XuZhou in Jiangsu province in China which is what exposed me to the ideas of trash magic first. My middle school and high school years were in the Hartford Area, in Connecticut.

Because of the Neal Stephenson novel Diamond Age, I was a huge believer in the future back in the 90s, to the point that I followed the path of the character Lord Alexander Chung-Sik Finkle-McGraw from Diamond Age to get a physics degree with a math double major and then go into applied physics research with the intention to go start a nanotech company and eventually become a god-like nano cyborg. To that end I worked in a nanotech lab at Berkeley for a year after graduation, burning carbon rods to make a new that had just been discovered in the group I worked in(Alex Zettl's group). I then worked in a quantum lab at Yale for a year, also as a technician, helping to build the lab of newly-hired professor Rob Schoelkopf, and that turned into becoming a grad student. I stayed in the Schoelkopf lab through the end of my applied physics Ph.D. and did my thesis on a primary thermometer using the noise from a tunnel junction. I focused my energy in that time on trying to make that nanotechnology-based thermometer into something that could be sold as a product to start my dreamed nanotech company.

That project involved getting into ultra low noise amplifiers using superconducting electronics, which led to my post doc at NIST which was building these amplifiers. Again I was always looking for ways to make those amplifiers into a product, trying to figure out how it might be commercialized. A 2 year post doc turned into a 7 year thing, as we got ongoing grant money from the intelligence community to build these amplifiers and distribute them for free to other labs they were funding. I was constantly trying to figure out how to scale technology and turn it into something you could sell. In the end I ended up building a series of sex toy products on the side which turned into a company and that's what I quit my job at NIST to build.

During that time I was also involved in a now-long-defunct stealth mode startup to try to build amplifiers for the quantum information community. I did both of these at the same time, consulting with the IBM quantum people while I tried to build out a whole line of products we were building in Denver and selling on the Internet. That whole thing fell apart in about 2015 as we were unable to scale as fast as we needed to for how the company was structured with investors. So then I took a few random consulting gigs and just thought really hard about our whole system and how technology is created. That led to writing the Trash Magic Manifesto and Action Coloring Book, and to the creation of the Geometron language. By this time we'd moved to DC and I ran out of money and consulting gigs and took a full time job at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory, where some of my drinking buddies had jobs, in 2019. When the pandemic hit I went to part time and worked long hours on the side on Geometron and the whole idea of self-replicating media. I wrote 2 more books, the Book of Geometron and Geometron Magic. Then at the end of summer 2022 I quit there and moved back to Denver/Lakewood Colorado to spread trash magic out here on the streets of the Denver metro area. And here I am. With a web server from the trash at and a shopping cart full of cardboard trash with self-replicating geometry on it.

#nanotech #fullerene

Last updated 2 years ago

Adam Coffman · @AdamCoffman
53 followers · 46 posts · Server

- the 2014 Student Research Symposium at Indiana – Fort Wayne.
Photos of me and my colleague Yuan Zhang judging poster presentations, including one from
Steve Stevenson’s lab ⚽

#science #fullertubes #FortWayne #fullerene #purdue #throwbackthursday

Last updated 2 years ago