Happy Meat Day to all who write their dates wrong!
#FullmetalAlchemist #FullmetalAlchemistBrotherhood #FMA #FMABrotherhood #MeatDay #HappyMeatDay #anime
#fullmetalalchemist #fullmetalalchemistbrotherhood #fma #fmabrotherhood #meatday #happymeatday #anime
»Komiksowe zapowiedzi na wrzesień’23«
Letnie miesiące właśnie odeszły do przeszłości. Za kilka dni rozpocznie się nauka w szkołach, z kolei część studentów stanie w obliczu sesji poprawkowej. A za trzy tygodnie nadejdzie kalendarzowa jesień… W każdym razie dobrze jest mieć pod ręką coś do poczytania.
#Fahrenheit_zin #SkargaUtraconychZiem #Elfy #JackzBaśni #Trzecieoko #MiastoŚwiateł #Mjakmonstrum #DrJekyllampMrHyde #FullmetalAlchemist #ReginaObscura #Krasnoludy #BatmanSpawn #MarvelZombies
#fahrenheit_zin #skargautraconychziem #elfy #jackzbasni #trzecieoko #miastoswiatel #mjakmonstrum #drjekyllampmrhyde #fullmetalalchemist #reginaobscura #krasnoludy #batmanspawn #marvelzombies
just reached the middle of #FullMetalAlchemist but i already love it with all my heart
#fullmetalalchemist #anime #otaku
Kotaku: Fullmetal Alchemist Is A Brilliant, Piercing Critique Of Capitalism https://kotaku.com/fullmetal-alchemist-anime-manga-capitalism-alchemy-1850730164 #gaming #tech #kotaku #prostheticsinfiction #fullmetalalchemist #philosophersstone #alphonseelric #winryrockbell #hiromuarakawa #vanhohenheim #edwardelric #maeshughes #shoutucker #fuhrerking #roymustang #funimation #hohenheim #cornello #bradley #aniplex #alchemy #edward #xerxes #marcoh #fuhrer #bones #izumi #scar #nina #ling #ed #al
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #prostheticsinfiction #fullmetalalchemist #philosophersstone #alphonseelric #winryrockbell #hiromuarakawa #vanhohenheim #edwardelric #maeshughes #shoutucker #fuhrerking #roymustang #funimation #hohenheim #cornello #Bradley #aniplex #alchemy #edward #xerxes #marcoh #fuhrer #bones #izumi #scar #nina #ling #ed #al
Weekly bass cover
L'arc~en~Ciel - READY STEADY GO
J-pop and J-rock consistently has some of my favorite playing. Even when it's relatively simple, it has such cool little bits, and it's often very rhythmically and harmonically dynamic. The little run up to the chorus in tetsu's part here does a neat thing where there's a tritone up to get up to D, which just sounds super cool.
#jpop #animeThemes #larcenciel #newOrleansMusicians #bassists #fullMetalAlchemist
#jpop #animethemes #larcenciel #neworleansmusicians #Bassists #fullmetalalchemist
What's a good #anime to watch? I'm pretty vanilla when it comes to anime and have mostly only seen the "mainstream" stuff. Some highlights of things I've enjoyed over the years are #Evangelion (original and rebuild), #DeathNote, #FullMetalAlchemist (both), #SevenDeadlySins, #StraitJacket, #KnightsOfSidonia Prefer a decent quality English dub (sorry!)
#anime #evangelion #deathnote #fullmetalalchemist #sevendeadlysins #straitjacket #knightsofsidonia
Show your love for anime with the initial anime emote pack 01. These will be rolled into the anime mega pack I am working on.
Get these on Etsy as a pack or individual: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1304704276/anime-emote-set-01
#digitalart #digitalartist #emote #emoteartist #illustration #anime #onepiece #dragonball #dragonballz #jojo #fullmetalalchemist
#digitalart #digitalartist #emote #emoteartist #illustration #anime #onepiece #dragonball #dragonballz #jojo #fullmetalalchemist
Neue #Manga 🥳
Durchaus eine schöne Auswahl wie ich finde, oder was denkt ihr?
- #ranma½ 3
- #Dorohedoro 6
- #AttackOnTitan 11
- #FullmetalAlchemist 3
#manga #ranma #dorohedoro #attackontitan #fullmetalalchemist #lesen #unterhaltung #lestmehr #lestmehrmanga
Happy Father’s Day folks! Everybody needs a dad in their life to guide them!
#happyfathersday #marunakano #peterparker #goku #maeshughes #thequintessentialquintuplets #spiderman #dragonballz #fullmetalalchemist #fathersday
#happyfathersday #marunakano #peterparker #goku #maeshughes #thequintessentialquintuplets #spiderman #dragonballz #fullmetalalchemist #fathersday
#Alexa, you're out of a job... You too #Elric brothers! 😏 #Echo #FullMetalAlchemist
#alexa #elric #echo #fullmetalalchemist
A few of my older hand-drawn chibi doodles for you on this Monday!
#Chibi #Deadpool #FullMetalAlchemist #Anime #Marvel
#chibi #deadpool #fullmetalalchemist #anime #marvel
#FullmetalAlchemist #LanFan #LingYao (#Barbie style) #meme
#fullmetalalchemist #lanfan #lingyao #barbie #meme
In der Anthologie #MadeInAbyss (Band 2) sind Kurzgeschichten zur beliebten Manga-/Anime-Serie enthalten, u.a. von den deutschen Künstler*innen #AnikeHage und #DavidFüleki. Ich kaufe ja prinzipiell alles, was David Füleki/Def zeichnet, aber da ich die Serie auch gut finde, passte das!
#DasBandDerUnterwelt (Band 2) von #HiromuAkawa ist mit im Koffer gelandet. Band 1 hat mir gut gefallen, und bei der Zeichnerin von #FullmetalAlchemist kann man ja gar nichts falsch machen :)
#fullmetalalchemist #hiromuakawa #dasbandderunterwelt #davidfuleki #anikehage #madeinabyss
It’s been in the Armstrong famil for generations! ✨
Guardianes de la Noche 2 de #KoyoharuGotouge, #NormaEditorial.
Pues me bajo en este tomo. La verdad es que, por lo que he oído, esperaba más de esta serie. Y no es porque no sea su público objetivo, sino porque lo que plantea se ha visto mil veces en otros #shonens como #Naruto, #Bleach e incluso me atrevería a decir #FullMetalAlchemist. Quizás para la gente que empieza con el manga puede que funcione, pero si llevas muchos shonens leídos a tus espaldas pues, como que ya está muy visto.
#koyoharugotouge #normaeditorial #shonens #naruto #bleach #fullmetalalchemist
Lust selim hawkeye
#shota #straightshota #shotacon
#sizedifference #agedifference #oneshota #milf #mom #mommy #mother #momson #momshota #motherandson #pedomom #pedowhore #pedoslut #son #incest #shotaolderlady #shotaolderwoman #ffm #shotamilf #infant #parentchild #gilf #gmilf #granny #grandma #sister #oldersister #brothersister #aunt #auntnephew #stepmom #stepmother #stepsister #stepbrother #lust #hawkeye #selim #fullmetalalchemist
#shota #straightshota #shotacon #sizedifference #agedifference #oneshota #milf #mom #mommy #mother #momson #momshota #motherandson #pedomom #pedowhore #pedoslut #son #incest #shotaolderlady #shotaolderwoman #ffm #shotamilf #infant #parentchild #gilf #gmilf #granny #grandma #sister #oldersister #brothersister #aunt #auntnephew #stepmom #stepmother #stepsister #stepbrother #lust #hawkeye #selim #fullmetalalchemist