This is my laptop. There are many others like it, but this one is mine.#RetroStickers #retrocomputing #fullmetaljacket
#retrostickers #retrocomputing #fullmetaljacket
@rdkdragon No doubt about it! And she may get it from one girl with real expertise and butt-confidence! #tina_belcher #bobsburgers #parody #fullmetaljacket #macarthur
#tina_belcher #bobsburgers #parody #fullmetaljacket #macarthur
Wie war noch einmal der Name des Gewehrs von Private Paula in #fullmetaljacket?
#Bales2023FilmChallenge -- June 11 -- Character says "Hi" in Film
"Hi... Joker ..."
Going with Private Pyle's creepy greeting at the end of the first act of Full Metal Jacket (1987)
Here's some art for today's prompt!
#FullMetalJacket #FilmMastodon #CineMastodon #StanleyKubrick #Movies #Art #MastoArt
#bales2023filmchallenge #fullmetaljacket #FilmMastodon #cinemastodon #StanleyKubrick #movies #art #MastoArt
Love some late-night Kubrick! Here's my new art for tonight’s show! Gonna put #Cultsploitation on hiatus again, and start up the Friday after next week's awesome 4-feature blaxploitation line-up, which I'll be drawing throughout! See ya later for more art and movies for #SilentFlickerSunday and Badlands Saturday night!
#cultsploitation #silentflickersunday #TCMParty #fullmetaljacket #aclockworkorange #drawnderground
I’ve always wished there was a few seconds-long post-credits scene with Joker state-side, working at a mid-70s Mobil station, or some other minimum-wage job staring blankly into the distance, then snapping back to reality to help a customer …
The end scene with The Mickey Mouse Club theme as a Mari0nbes marching song stands as one of the greatest moments of anti-war cinema, imho, even if that wasn't necessarily the intended purpose. See a bunch of kids raised on Gunsmoke and Leave It To Beaver playing soldier with actual weapons and headed home at the end of the day. Chills every time ...
Not really sure what the message is behind it - or if there is one - but I find it interesting that despite his subversive snarky, gallows humor and detached, ironic attitude, Joker in the end weirdly becomes Sgt. Hartman’s shining achievement. He survives -- even makes it to Sergeant -- and thus is able to continue to kill, unlike Pyle who cracked, and Cowboy, who seemed to be a true believer. Maybe one of those Jungian things, I suppose …
I'm just assuming Animal Mother's "I Am Become Death" inscription on his helmet pertains neither to a historical interest in Robert J. Oppenheimer nor a literary / spiritual interest in the Bhagavad Gita ...
Kubrick makes a brief audio cameo in Full Metal Jacket as the superior officer on the other end of Cowboy’s radio. He also did all of the spacesuit breathing sounds in 2001: A Space Odyssey.
The town of Beckton, which was used as a set for the third act battle scene, was also used for the 1984 adaption of George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four.
Arnold Schwarzenegger was originally considered for the role of Animal Mother, but he turned it down to do The Running Man. Have to admit, it would have been interesting seeing Arnie play a completely sociopathic war criminal instead of as a conquering hero … Bruce Willis and Denzel Washington also turned down roles.
The juxtaposition of ultaviolence and 1960s Billboard Top Hits is always jarring for me in Full Metal Jacket. Depressingly on point though, I suppose; I mean, this is the stuff they would have been hearing on Armed Forces Radio ...
Matthew Modine was initially offered the role of Maverick in the original Top Gun, but ultimately turned down the role because he didn’t want to be complicit with what he viewed as a military advertisement and Late Cold War propaganda. In a world of Swayzes and Cruises, be a Modine!
And done! Really happy with how the eyes turned out! Drawing Alex DeLarge during A Clockwork Orange next!
#TCMParty #fullmetaljacket #drawnderground
I feel like declaring oneself to be either a Full Metal Jacket Fan or an Apocalypse Now! fan is like the Vietnam War Movie personality equivalent of declaring oneself either a Beatles or an Elvis fan, or Team Edward / Team Jacob for Twilight viewers. I’m a Jacket/Beatles/Jacob person myself …
Some theater-goers were so disgusted by the infamous “Head” scene at the end of the first act that they walked out of the theater at the first New York Film Festival screening. Still, it was nowhere near the number of people who walked out of the 2001: A Space Odyssey premiere because it was too arthouse-y and confusing for normies who were not actively under the influence of LSD.
#TCMParty #fullmetaljacket #2001aspaceodyssey
“Sir? Does this mean that Ann Margret’s not coming?”
Posting some obligatory Ann Margret fan art inspired by Magic, C.C. and Company, and Kitten with a Whip for this TCM presentation of Full Metal Jacket!