#FullPressConference #JacksonvilleShooting
#DollarGeneralShooting #FL #Florida
RIP to the victims:
AngelaMichelleCarr, 52 years old
AnoltJosephLaguerreJr, 29 years old
JerroldDeShaunGallion, 19 years old
Murderer was:
#RyanChristopherPalmeter who as far as anyone knows was not connected to any known #hategroup (but the current far right political climate rum amok does contribute to his radicalisation in my opinion).
#FarRight #rightwing #extremedroite
WARNING: The video Sheriff Waters shows may be triggering even though out of respect for the victims, their loved ones and the public, there is nothing graphic, and is only a few seconds.
#fullpressconference #jacksonvilleshooting #dollargeneralshooting #fl #florida #blacklivesmatter #ryanchristopherpalmeter #hategroup #farright #rightwing #extremedroite