Set in the nest of vipers of an 11th century medieval Chinese fort, #FullRiverRed is the story of two suspect soldiers compelled to solve an emmisary's assassination within two hours, on pain of themselves being executed for said crime.
Largely a grim realtime tale of paranoia, this movie is bereft of the genre's usual high flying acrobatics, and what little levity there is comes from the sheer absurdity of the byzantine political machinations of intrigue.😳
D-2! Opening in US & Canada on March 17.
Absolutely cannot wait to watch this latest offering from #ZhangYimou #FullRiverRed #满江红
#满江红 #fullriverred #ZhangYimou
D-2! Opening in US & Canada on March 17.
Absolutely cannot wait to watch this latest offering from #ZhangYimou #FullRiverRed
#满江红 #fullriverred #ZhangYimou
But we still found time to watch two movies, #TheWanderingEarth2 and #FullRiverRed.
The Wandering Earth 2 has great special effects and a really cool background setting and is a must-see. Full River Red is a comedy historical film, and it's very relaxed and fun to watch.
#thewanderingearth2 #fullriverred
My better half and I just saw legendary director #ZhangYimou's new film today. In a word, it's wonderful! A mystery that keeps you guessing into the last few minutes! Watch the video for more non-spoilery details! #FullRiverRed
A highly anticipated historical murder mystery from #ZhangYimou for 2023!
#满江红 #fullriverred #ZhangYimou
A highly anticipated historical murder mystery from #ZhangYimou for 2023!
#满江红 #fullriverred #ZhangYimou